Chapter 13

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* * Allison's P.O.V. * *

"Can we please just take it slow..." I whispered barely audible.

"Of course. I won't give up on you." Josh said leaning in placing his lips upon mine.

The walk home was silent, but not like awkward silence but a comforting silence. Knowing we both had feelings for one another; admitting a little bit at a time.

I went to my room and stared out the window, at the night sky. Stars shining like they will never stop. I was lost looking at the stars when my mother walked in and asked, "Do you want to talk about it." Meaning Josh.

"No, it's fine." I answered turning to her as she sat on my bed.

"Can you tell me what happened at least at the park, honey?" Of course my mom would ask, always likes knowing the drama. But she doesn't ask to just know she always gives advice, my mother is a lot better at giving advice about guys and relationships rather then my father.

"Umm, ok. I just was confused, I don't know how I really feel about him, like I like him maybe more then a friend and the feeling just gets a little stronger every time we talk. I just don't want to break his heart or for him to break mine..., I even told him that. So at the park he asked me once more to be his girlfriend but I said lets take it slow and then he said he'll wait for me...." It didn't feel awkward talking to my mom about this because she understands.

"Its good you told him that you want to take it slow, so you can see how you truly feel about him. Allison..." She sighed. "You have to give him a chance don't just block him out and keep rejecting him. Go to the award show with him and just see how it goes. Sometimes people make mistakes that they will regret in the future." With that being said my mom got up and walked out of the room.

I wasn't going to block him out and keep rejecting him. It's just sometimes I don't know how I feel about him. He gets me so angry but then he makes me feel special like I'm the only one , he acts like he hates me, acts as if he loves me. He sends off all these mix signals. I just need time to see what I really feel for him and what he really feels for me.


"Allison, get up!" My dad screamed through the door.

"What?" I said drowsily.

"You're going dress shopping in a half an hour with Michelle Hutcherson and your mother."

I groaned putting the pillow over my head, trying to go back to bed. My dad walked over to my bed and pulled off the blanket and opened up the curtains. "The light! It burns!" I screamed.

"Come on! Your mom's going to scream at me if I don't get up."

I got up and motioned him out of my room. I put on simple black jeans, a creme lace shirt (not see through) and my red vans. I brushed my hair quickly leaving it in waves and went down stair to eat.

"Ready for dress shopping I see." 

I heard a deep voice say as I walked in the kitchen. I looked to see who it was. Josh.

"Who let's you in my house? And who said you can eat my cereal?" I joked.

With a slight chuckle he said, "This is my cereal now." He scooped a spoonful and ate it.

I sat down across from him and poured my self a bowl. As soon as I was about to eat a little, Josh reached over and ate some of mine. "What was that for?" I asked.

"Your's taste better." He replied.

I took a spoonful of his, ate it and said, "yeah you're right mine is better." I went back to eating my cereal. When I Josh took my bowl and put it in the sink. "Josh, I have two feet I could put it in the sink myself."

"Just trying to be nice, I don't even get a thank you. Wow that's rude." He said sarcastically.

"Thank you then."

"Your welcome, darling." Darling?

"Are you coming dress shopping?" I asked him questionably because my dad only said my mom and Michelle (Josh's mom).

"No, I'm not allowed to." Josh responded with a pitch of sadness. He should be happy he's not allowed to.

"Why not?"

"They said the dress has to be a surprise and they don't want me to see it. Stupid, right?"

"Well now you don't have to wait hours waiting for me to find a dress, you should happy."

"As long as I'm with you I'm happy," Josh smiled.

"Oh my god, that was so corny." I laughed.

"I know but it worked. Right?" Josh said winking.

"You can say that." I soon as I said that Michelle walked through the door.

"Hi!" I said to her happily.

"Come on, your mom's waiting outside."

I patted Josh on the head and said bye.


Author's Note:

I Need help how do you upload a photo from the computer to Wattpad with the Chapter! Please help! private messsage me or comment thank you!

Thank you so much for 2,400 reads! It means so much to me!

This is a filler chapter so not much happens.

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