Chapter Two: Training?

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Chapter Two



            Ack. I hate waking up on early mornings. What’s the point of it anyways! It’s just waking up freaking early to do some lists every single day. Period. Oh, my yikers! It’s 9:57 already! I have three minutes!

            I finished changing quickly and gulped my milk in a flash. After then, I rushed outside to the park. After that, I remember the teleporting jutsu and thought, “Why didn’t I do that earlier?”

            I can’t be like Obito. Too late all the time! I can’t be exactly on time like Rin! Also, I can’t be, like, an hour early like Kakashi! Oh, wait, what about Minato? Thirty minutes early? I have to be thirty seconds early! Duh! Oh, yay! I’m twenty nine seconds early. Whoo-hoo! And Minato-sensei’s not even here yet!

            “You’re early,” emphasized Kakashi.

            “Why, thank you,” I replied with as much emphasis he had.

            “Gee, your welcome,” Kakashi shook his head.

            “You’re more talkative than usual from what I’ve heard,” I smirked. “Why is that?”

            I could have sworn that he blushed under that mask of his.

            “Just because,” he answered. “You don’t jump on me. It kind of surprises me. That’s all.”

            “And isn’t it a shinobi rule not to show their feelings? Yeesh,” I rolled my eyes and smirked. Classic.

            “Be quiet,” he glared.

            “Well, in any case, I heard that you would be taking the jonin exams soon. So, good luck on that,” I smiled sweetly.

            “ . . . Thanks?” he muttered as Minato came with Rin.

            “Heya, you two,” Rin beamed. Was she ever serious?

            “Looks like Obito’s late again,” Minato exhaled.

            “Isn’t he always with his puny excuses of his?” I asked.

            “Pretty much,” Rin smiled.

            “Oh, great,” I murmured as we pretty much had to wait months before Obito came. Okay, well, not months, but half-an hour. Hey! I’m just twenty-nine days and twenty-three and a half hours off! If the month’s a thirty day, that is.

            “Sorry I’m late! I had to help an elderly woman cross the street! And it was across the entire town, so it took forever!” Obito bowed down for forgiveness.

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