Chapter Twenty-Three: The ANBU Mission (Part VI)

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Dedicated to @Jenny20 who generously made this cover for me. :)

Thanks so much! ^-^


Chapter Twenty-Three

The ANBU Mission: Part VI


Sayaka’s Point of View


            I sat there in the darkness . . . Fear was instilled in me . . .

            “Hello, my lovely,” I heard a seductive voice at my ear. “You are . . . to be . . . my bride . . . in ten days . . .”

            After the moment he left, I cried.

Kakashi’s Point of View


            I opened my eyes to look at my surroundings wearily. A moment later, I jumped from my sleeping position. Memories flooded back into my mind. Sayaka . . . I was still at the end of the spiraling stairs. Still at the end of the beginning of the mission. Still . . . I haven’t been up and about to retrieve Sayaka once again.

            After my thoughts were set aside, I continued on, dashing through the various hallways—some with dead ends, and some led me elsewhere, to where I did not really know. The only word that stood lingering in my mind was “Sayaka.” All these up and downs and spins and twists and turns were making my head have headaches . . . migraines. Please . . . Sayaka . . . be alright . . . please . . . For all I knew, she could be dead. She could be gone forever from my reach. Gone . . . like the wind . . . that quickly . . . and I never had the chance to really tell her that I loved her. Oh, Kami, she was like my only living loved one for all I knew . . . aside from Minato-sensei . . . Both Obito and Rin were all dead . . . and . . . Sayaka was the only one dear to me and of the same age. Please . . . Be safe . . . Don’t fail me . . . I wouldn’t be able to stand it again . . .

Sayaka’s Point of View


            I was still sitting there, on the creaky, wooden chair . . . tied with ropes . . . hands behind my back and stuck to the chair . . . Legs . . . dangled . . . but ankles were tied . . . My mouth was covered, and only muffled screams managed to leak. However, whenever I tried to resist, a strong volt of electricity shot me.

            “Don’t try to resist . . . my dear,” he ordered me . . . subtly. “You’ll just end up . . . hurting . . . yourself.”

            I stayed silent.

            He lifted up my chin and I glanced to the side, looking at things peripherally, “Come on, dearest, I know that you love me . . .”

            I continued to stay silent, not looking into his eyes.

            “Kakashi . . . please come . . . for me . . .” I thought as the tremendous, mental torture began.

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