Chapter Ten: The Mission at Kannabi Bridge (Part 1)

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Chapter Ten

The Mission at Kannabi Bridge (Part I)

I woke up and did whatever I did usual in the mornings- got up, brushed my teeth, showered, got dressed, and so forth.

For the mission, I packed:

· Some money

· Extra set of my ninja attire

· Pen and notebook

· Jutsu booklet

· Journal/sketchbook

· Water canteen (filled)

· Crackers

· Sleeping bag

· Weapons (senbon, kunai, shuriken, explosive tags, et cetera)

And that's it, I guess.

It was 2:30 A.M. What was I supposed to do now? I guess I showered too quickly . . . Predicting Kakashi, he'd probably be at the training ground "warming-up" for the mission. I was pretty sure that he would be pretty psyched about this whole thing, so I dashed down the stairs, not bothering for breakfast, and ran towards the training grounds.

"Heya, Kakashi," I smiled as I waved at him

"W-what?" Kakashi said, eyes wide. "How did you know I was here?"

"You're predictable, that's what, baka," I rolled my eyes, implying that he should know this already. "Want to spar?"

"Sure," he replied after a brief pause to think.

We sparred and sparred until it was 2:55, by that time, both Kakashi and I were panting a bit.

"We should get going now," I told him as I gathered my belongings for the mission.

"Yeah, we should," he replied simply as we walked our way there.

That early morning was crisp and had an eerie feeling to it, as if something bad was going to happen. Something . . . really bad . . . I didn't know what was coming at me? Karma for making fun of Kakashi? It felt . . . sinister. Evil. Deep down into the depths of despair.

"Hey, Kakashi, Sayaka," Minato-sensei smiled.

"Hi, Kakashi, Sayaka," Rin beamed, waving hello.

"Heya, sensei," I smiled.

"Konnichiwa, Minato-sensei," Kakashi smiled as we waited patiently for our last member to show up, Obito.

"Did I make it?" Obito asked, panting after he showed up and we waited for a while.

"No, you're late, Obito," Kakashi replied, crossing his arms. "When did you think we were supposed to meet up? When becoming a full-fledged ninja, following the rules is common sense, right?"

"No, you see, while coming here, I ended up having to help an old lady who had too much luggage cross the street," Obito sweat dropped, scratching the back of his head before rubbing his eyes. "And something was in my eye . . ."

"Yeah, right. That's a lie, isn't it?" Kakashi shook his head in disgust.

"Don't say that, Kakashi," Minato-sensei said, turning his head around from looking the other way. "You helped the old lady, didn't you, Obito?"

"I even carried her luggage!" Obito shouted, exasperated, as he put some eye drops in his right eye.

"Sensei, you're too easy on him," Kakashi noted, facing him. "If he keeps acting up like this around people, they'll just be in trouble, right? Those who break the rules and regulations are called trash, right?"

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