Chapter Seven: Test Two~ The Jonin Exams

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Chapter Seven

Test Two~ The Jonin Exams






"Oh, shut up," I groaned, not wanting to wake up, and slapping the alarm off. "Oh, geezers, now a test? I'm so tired."

I got up and immediately aroused myself from drowsiness by dunking my head in the cold water of the shower. What was this? The Mist? But even the Mist isn't that . . . br . . . freezing!

I then walked over to my closet and changed into my ninja clothing and ran down the stairs of my town house towards the kitchen. And, there he was, he just had to be there. Kakashi.

"Gah! Since when did you get in here!" I shouted, pointing my pointer finger at him accusingly.

"Since when?" he said sullenly. "Since now."

"How very convenient of you, well, whatever," I replied to this very . . . very . . . what's the word again? Ah, yes, very . . . bizarre happening? No, wait, weird. But, that's the same meaning.

As I stood there pondering at my vocabulary, Kakashi sighed and opened my refrigerator, inspecting its contents.

"Ack," I flicked my forehead, snapping out of my thoughts and into reality. "Hm? Kakashi? Whatcha doing?"

"I don't know . . . getting something to eat?" Kakashi rolled his eyes and then continued to stare inside the fridge.

"Uh, okay? Why don't I make us something since you're hungry, I'm hungry, and I doubt you would want to cook something at my place. Well, at least, I don't want you cooking at my place. And . . . yeah, that's it. Oh, and, by the way, I'm cooking . . . cinnamon toast. I haven't had that in a while. So," I ranted as I took ingredients out of cupboards and drawers and baked the bread and toasted it with cinnamon in . . . about five point infinity minutes. Ha. Beat that, Kakashi!

We ate in mutual silence. Nothing was said; nothing was really heard (aside from the chirping birds outside, singing their jovial songs and all); nothing was done, aside from the consumption of our food.

"So, um, when does the tournament start?" I asked, breaking the tacit tranquility.

"Today," he said with a "duh."

"I know that, but when does it, like, start as in time," I rolled my eyes. Epic. Mwahahahaha . . .

"Morning," he smirked, amused by my reactions of annoyance.

"So you think it's funny?" I said as a twitch vein was starting to grow on my forehead.

"Yes, I do, actually," he smirked once again.

"Very funny, Kakashi," I rolled my eyes in a pretend annoyed tone, but then turned serious. "Kakashi."

"Fine, in an hour. It starts at . . . eight in seclusion," he said humorlessly. "You're a jonin, you should know these things."

"Ha ha," I said with straight eyes in a sarcastic way.

"Your welcome," Kakashi said, placing his hands behind his head.

"Should we be going right about now?" I asked. "Just like a walk around Konoha. Like a warm-up before the matches begin."

"Okay . . ." he trailed off as he followed me, hands in his pocket.

The moment we walked out of my house, I swear, Kakashi's fan girls suddenly came out of nowhere. This never happened at practice. Seriously.

"I think we'd better- ah!" I shouted as Kakashi picked me up and carried me to the other side of Konoha, too quickly for his fan girls to follow. As he carried me, I was blushing madly, but, luckily enough, my long brownish-black hair covered my face.

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