Chapter Nineteen: The ANBU Mission (Part II)

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Chapter Nineteen

The ANBU Mission: Part Two


            Escorting . . . escorting . . . escorting . . . escorting. Seriously? With a jerk? Oh, c’mon, Kami, be nice to me here! I’m literally dying!

            Enough with the exaggerations . . . Kakashi and I are still frankly irritated . . . and not just irritated, but very irritated, with this prince guy here, and apparently . . . he drove us nuts. Literally. I just hope that we don’t turn into squirrels by the end of the mission . . .

            Rustle. Pst. Rustle. Pst.


            “Kakashi, did you hear that?” I whispered to Kakashi.

            “Indeed I did,” he replied seriously.

            “Guard up,” I responded as I trotted off the other side of the carriage.

            “My dear,” the prince growled seductively through his open window.

            “Yes, sire?” I replied, weary.

            I could see Kakashi tense at the sight and hearing.

            “Aren’t you tired at all?” Kyou-sama, not the sarcasm, purred into my ears.

            Man, this gentleman, again, not the sarcasm, was making me have a headache . . . again. This guy’s on my nerves . . . now . . .

            “Not at all, sir,” I replied as politely as I could.

            “You must be, dearest,” he shook his head in mock disbelief. “I’m pretty sure you are . . . You are a young lady after all . . . and of course . . . we could be the greatest couple of all time if you would just agree to become my princess bride.”

            “Thanks, but no thank you,” I replied, disgusted by his charisma.

            “Tsk . . . tsk . . . tsk . . .” he licked his lips greedily. “I like my women stubborn. Makes things . . . all . . . more . . . interesting, correct, dear? You can drop the façade now . . . you know that it’s all an act. I know you love me.”

            “If you wouldn’t mind, Kyou-sama, I do not believe that she would like that,” Kakashi sneered.

            “I actually do mind, so . . . back off,” Kyou said, picking at him nails aimlessly. “It reminds me to ask, what is you name, may I inquire?”

            “My name is . . . Surudoi,” Kakashi told him.

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