Chapter Four: Chidori

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Chapter Four



            Lalala. Boring! Training with Team Minato?!  Again?! I thought that all I had to do was to learn the Rasengan and leave! Are you serious?! Well, yes, sensei is a very interesting teacher, but training with scarecrow and all? Oh, I’d rather hear he and Obito argue back and forth all day. Well, not really, but still.

            “What’d you say again, Kakashi?” Minato asked.

            “I want a rematch with Sayaka-chan,” he replied, crossing his arms.

            “That depends if Sayaka agrees or not. Sayaka?” Minato replied to Kakashi’s request.

            “Sure, I’ll probably beat him again,” I smirked as I stepped up the our little battle of ours.

            “I’ll start,” I said, making a few hand signs. “Kage bunshin no jutsu!”

            “Kage shuriken no jutsu!” Kakashi replied in response.

            “Hn,” I replied as my clone started to distract him. “Joukei datsuraku no jutsu!”

            Joukei datsuraku is one of my clan’s five jutsus. It has the ability to make someone lose their sight—whether permanently or temporarily.

            “Argh,” Kakashi muttered simply as he gradually lost his eyesight. It was only temporary, so no worries.

            “So, can you defeat me with a handicap of eyesight?” I said, smirking. “I doubt it, unless you hear, touch, or sense. This is my clan’s ability, so beat that, baka!”

            I hit his pressure and chakra points and defeated him. Again. No worries from now on, I hope.

            “Here’s your sight back,” I said with a snap of my fingers.

            “Kakashi!” yelled a voice. “I want a rematch!”

            “Guy?” Kakashi said, smacking his forehead. “Oh, great. What is it this time?”

            “Oh, I don’t know!” Guy stated. “Want to see who can run 500 laps first?”

            “ . . . Minato-sensei?” Kakashi asked.

            “Sure,” Minato said as he headed off to see how Rin and Obito’s match was going.

            “Ooh! Sayaka-chan!” Guy cooed. “Want to go with us? Whoever wins gets to have the honor to go out with you, hm?”

            “No, baka!” I said, whacking him on the head, resulting in a red bump growing larger by the second. “But, I will go see who wins, though.”

            “Yippee!” Guy said, jumping up and down and up and down again and again.

            “Oh, great,” Kakashi said, shaking his head.

            “It doesn’t matter, does it?” I asked. “I mean, like, it’s just a game or whatever you’d like to call it.”

            “Yeah, just a game,” Kakashi sighed. “Guy here keeps talking random nonsense all the time. Making random matches. Re-creating random concepts. Et cetera.”

            “Wow, that must have been the longest sentence or speech I heard you say,” I said, shocked.

            “Hn, yeah, right,” he shrugged. “I talk you know.”

            “I think that I can tell that you are not mute,” I said, rolling my eyes.

            “Hn,” Kakashi grunted as we, Guy, Kakashi, and I, walked to the Konoha gates.

            “On your marks, get set, go!” I yelled as the two boys were dashing along.

            I saw Kakashi run at the speed of lightning while Guy was way behind. By the time Guy finished twenty-five laps. Kakashi was done. Finished. Show-off. Goodie-goodie. Why can’t everyone be like him? That would serve him right. Oh, wait, that means that everyone’s smart and no one’s dumb. And so that means that there is no one to compete with. Never mind!

            Kakashi decided to go home immediately after the race. However, Guy and I stayed behind and talked about random stuff. Whoo-hoo! Not really. By the time it was dusk, I said my good-bye to Guy and ambled my way into the forest. On a full moon like this, who wouldn’t? Oh, yeah, well, werewolves do come out during the full moon. Yeah, I forgot.

            As I walked into the forest, I saw a bright, electric blue spark.

            “What was that?” I thought as I walked over to the place where I saw the spark carefully yet silently.

            Kakashi. Kakashi was doing a jutsu I had no idea of right in front of my eyes. Let me guess. He made it himself. Sigh. I saw as he formed the blue blob in arm, held his right arm with his left hand, and hit the nearest little tree, which was completely demolished.

            “Don’t tell,” Kakashi told me as he was done with his jutsu.

            “That was amazing,” I responded to the scene.

            “I know, but don’t tell,” he told me in which I nodded tacitly.

            “What is it called?” I asked, still in a daze.

            “Chidori,” was the reply he gave me. “Chidori: The Sound of a Thousand Birds.”


A quick note:

I finished this chapter but forgot to save it so it was deleted.

I know this chapter is a pretty bad so . . . please don't be mad at me!

It was deleted! >.<


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