Chapter Nine: Rin and Sayaka~ The Day Off

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Chapter Nine

Rin and Sayaka: The Day Off

*Normal Setting


            I woke that day feeling refreshed and re-energized. I had trained the day before with Kakashi and today was our day off to chill after the Jonin Exams ended the day before.

            The other day, Rin had asked me if I had wanted to go with her around Konoha, you know, a day of relaxation and . . . fun? I guess I needed it.



            “Hey, Sayaka, do you want to hang out with me tomorrow?” Rin asked me.


            “I would, but I can’t,” I responded, sighing. “I already agreed with Kakashi to train with him tomorrow, but . . . however . . . I do have a day off the day after tomorrow. Is that alright with you?”


            “Yeah, sure!” Rin smiled. “I’ve really been wanting to get to know you more, Sayaka-chan. Well, I guess I’ll see you at the park at ten in the morning in two days, right?”


            “Yep,” I smiled and waved as I hurried to get to the training grounds before Kakashi gave me a scolding on being late.


End of Flashback


            I changed into my “Keep Calm and Ninja On” pitch-black T-shirt (the same one I wore when I first met with Team Minato) and some jean shorts. It was quite hot outside today, so my sweater was suitable. What I did bring, however, was a white cap and my little portable backpack. Inside it were money, a notebook, a pen, and . . . that’s it I suppose.

            Soon afterwards, I ran down the stairs, out the door, and towards the park. I saw Rin waiting patiently for me and apologized for making her wait.

            “It was nothing really, Sayaka-chan,” Rin beamed. “You were only a minute late.”

            “Only,” I emphasized.

            “It’s fine so let’s leave it,” Rin smiled.

            “Okay,” I replied quite ever so happily.

            We ended up going to a dango shop to eat something light before going a little shopping.

            “Oi, oi! Is that you, Rin?” we heard someone shout in a hyper voice. And guess what? It wasn’t Gai . . .

            “What do you want, Anko,” Rin asked in a declarative tone.

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