Chapter Five: Jonin Exams

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Chapter Five

Jonin Exams


            “What?” I yelled, shocked, as I slammed my fist on the Hokage’s desk. “I have to retake the Jonin exams?!”

            “Yes, you do,” Sarutobi-sama scolded me. “The elders say that every jonin under the age of eighteen has to take this exam! If you don’t, I’ll just have to take away your title!”

            “Gr . . .” I mumbled under my breath.

            “I know, and I’m sorry, but it’s just that,” the Hokage sighed.

            “But, I have to have a partner,” I argued. “If I don’t, then how am I supposed to pass?”

            “Kakashi,” he replied simply as I just smacked my forehead.

            “That jerk?” I raised my voice.

            “Yes, whether you like it or not, I already signed you up with him as your partner for the exams,” he said. “And remember, not to a soul we are holding these exams. These tests are supposed to be kept secret. Also, this year’s exam is in two tests. Dismissed.”

            “H-hai,” I replied slowly as I walked my way over to where the rest of Team Minato were.

            “Well it looks like someone’s late today,” Kakashi emphasized.

            “Why your welcome, I was talking to the Hokage. Duh,” I rolled my eyes as I said the obvious. Epic.

            “Whatever, that’s no excuse,” Kakashi started as he stood up from the boulder he was leaning on.

            “Well-“ I said as I was cut off by Minato-sensei.

            “Enough! Now go work already! I’ve had enough you guys bickering your nonsense arguments. Kakashi’s and Obito’s were enough! I don’t need another to be peacemaker with!” Minato yelled, holding his head as if he had a headache. “You two have exams coming up. You both need to start working together or you both will fail. Understand?”

            “But-“ Kakashi and I both said at the exact same time. Awkward.

            “No ‘buts.’ Now go!” Minato-sensei yelled at us as Kakashi and I were obliged to keep quiet.

            Training and training and training and training and training all day with Kakashi. All day. Yikes, I swear, it’s . . . not really that bad. I know what you’re thinking . . . I actually don’t actually. In any case, Kakashi and I were fighting and practicing and fighting and practicing and fighting and practicing and . . . You know what? I think I’ll save you from all that reading. By the time it was night time and the stars were twinkling like little pieces of glitter, I started the first nice conversation with Kakashi.

            “Being nice to each other wasn’t that bad for once now was it?” I asked, staring at the night sky. Gorgeous.


            “I guess so,” Kakashi replied, also looking up.

            “Yep,” I responded. “Aside from knowing your name and all, I don’t really know anything else about you. Tell me about yourself.”

            “I’d prefer not to,” Kakashi replied as if it was a really sensitive subject.

            “Oh, come on, I may seem like a snotty little girl to you but I am sensible, you know,” I rolled my eyes as he seemed like he was contradicting his previous statement.

            “I guess that I could trust you,” Kakashi sighed. The look in his eyes showed me that he trusted me. Weird. Who would have thought that Kakashi Hatake would ever open up like this? “My father committed suicide when I was younger. My mother died soon after I was born. My father never told me how she died though.”

            “That’s . . . really sad, Kakashi,” I replied with sad eyes. “But, I already know that.”

            “You . . . what?” he yelled, shooting up from his resting position and staring into my dark brown eyes. “How?”

            “Jonin talk. People talk about things a lot. Will of Fire. Et cetera,” I answered his question.

            “I . . . see . . .” he replied, going back to his earlier resting stance. “Tell me yours then.”

            “Since you told me yours but I already knew that then . . . I don’t see why not,” I said as I began remembering and recollecting my thoughts before speaking again. “My parents died when I was born. Some criminals. They died on a mission to defeat this criminal. End of story.”

            “That’s worse than mine, I suppose,” he replied as he still looked up at the dark sky.

            “Maybe, maybe not. Depends on how you look at it,” I said as I looked at him briefly. “So . . . what’s your favorite color?”

            “Green,” Kakashi replied.

            “Oh, really? ‘Cause I thought you liked those emo colors. Like . . . black and grey or something,” I said.

            “Wow,” he spoke.

            “Well, mine’s green too,” I replied, biting my lip. Same color? Who would’ve guessed?

            “I think that’s enough for today,” Kakashi said, getting up. “The written exam is tomorrow. Math questions. Botany. Skills. Et cetera. You get the point. You practically took the test already.”

            “True,” I admitted as I got up as well. “Well then, see ya tomorrow.”

            “Yeah, bye,” Kakashi mentioned before we separated to our own ways before the long five-hour test that lay ahead of us the next day to come.

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