Chapter Three: Mission?

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Chapter Three



            “I have to do a mission with them?” I asked, surprised, really not wanting to go with a jerk like Kakashi.

Oh, wait, there were a lot of other guys who were more annoying than him (hypothetically). Why did I think so much of only one annoying brat? Well, his dad did die a sad death. Suicide. Who’s dad just leaves their child hanging around for dear life? Oh, Hatake Sakumo. Him. Who else? Him.

            In any case, Kakashi scowled at me.

            “Yes, Sayaka, you do,” sighed the Third. “You all will be going on a last mission before Kakashi takes the jonin exams. Then, that means that you, Sayaka, and Kakashi will go on missions together to learn the importance of teamwork, even though you don’t like the person you’re assigned with!”

            “Hai . . .” I replied after a pause and hung my head down lower than my usual stance. Obito, Rin, and Minato-sensei sweat dropped at this little scene.

            “Now, the mission. I want you all to go and complete this A-rank mission. You have done something similar, both you and Minato. However, this time it is for the other three here, mostly,” said the Hokage. “Minato and you are to supervise this mission, and Rin, Obito, and Kakashi are to execute it.”

            “Hai,” we all saluted as we were dismissed to pack for the trip.

            I always had my stuff ready just in case a mission was called for immediately. So, I just had to go home, get my bag from the front door, and leave for the gates. I was the first one there. Minato came soon after, then Kakashi, then Rin, and then Obito. The last one is always Obito, no?

            “Ready?” asked Minato, reading Tales of a Gutsy Ninja by the Sannin Jiraiya.

            “What else are we?” I rolled my eyes as I jumped into the nearest tree and leaped further down into the forest. The rest soon followed my lead.

            “So where are we going again?” I asked, slowing down for Kakashi and his teammates to lead the way.

            “To the Land of Rice to defeat a bunch of rogue ninjas,” Kakashi said simply.

            “Okay, interesting,” I smirked as I was the last in the group now.

            “I’ve always wondered this, Sayaka-chan, what is your clan’s kekkei genkai?” Rin asked questioningly.

            “Oh, that?” I smiled. “Why don’t you guess first?”

            “Oh, oh, oh! Let me guess first!” Obito volunteered immediately.

            “Okay, sure. Obito, then Rin, then Kakashi if he wants to, then Minato if he wants to as well,” I beamed, liking when Rin asked things she didn’t know about.

            “Okay . . . so . . . I think the Sato clan has the kekkei genkai to . . . um . . . to . . . oh . . . make jutsus out of this air!” Obito yelled, sounding victorious.

            “Um, no, the Fujiwara clan does that,” I said with a closed-eye smile.

            “My turn. I think that you . . . have the ability to . . . control the weather,” Rin guessed.

            “Nice try, but, no,” I replied. “Kakashi?”

            “Hn, I’ll pass this time,” Kakashi said, looking at what was before him intently. We were just leaping in trees, sheesh. Goodie-goodie.

            “Fine with me,” I responded. “Minato-sensei?”

            “I already know, remember?” Minato sighed, still reading Jiraiya’s book.

            “Oh, yeah,” I said, remembering. “Okay, so, Obito?”

            “Copy jutsus!” Obito said, again, sounding like he got it right.

            “No, that’s your clan,” I said, with a slight twitch mark of annoyance. “Rin?”

            “Um . . .” she thought. “Snow maker.”

            “That’s the Yukimura clan,” I smiled. “Kakashi.”

            “The Five Senses jutsus,” Kakashi said, still looking ahead. “I just remembered. You have the ability to take away the senses of a person temporarily or permanently.”

            “Wow, someone did his research,” I said, quite shocked.

            “Yep, I research anything I don’t know and want to know,” he said, closing his eyes for a bit.

            “Whoa, researching? Me and my clan?” I said in mock shock. “I’m so honored.”

            “Welcome,” Kakashi replied simply, seemingly in deep thought.

            “Okay . . .” I stared at him weirdly before looking at what was ahead of me.

            Kakashi, turns out, defeated fifty-five ninjas without a sweat. Obito defeated twenty before passing out, and Rin defeated thirty-seven before slumping from weariness.

            Minato and I were just staring at them like a movie.

            When we returned back to Konoha, Kakashi was the one who gave the Hokage the formal report of the incidents. Minato and I just went home and slept. I know, I’m a lazy supervisor.


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