Chapter Twenty-Seven: The ANBU Mission (Part X)

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

The ANBU Mission: Part X


Kakashi’s Point of View


            Sprinting . . . I was sprinting . . . To wherever Sayaka was . . . And then . . . I heard a terrifying screech.



            Deciding that enough was enough, I was determined to find Sayaka and save her. No matter what the consequences were.


            Step by step and leap by leap, I eventually returned to the place where I, at first, was so determined to escape from.


            I found my way back to the tunnel . . . and zoomed down the everlasting, spiral staircase. Time to time, I would trip down a few flights before grabbing the railing. Thank, Kami, for the railings. For if they had not been there, I would have been tumbling down to no end, torturing myself even more along the way. However, after all that, my footwork began to excel and got the hang of the entire thing.


            By the time I reached the base of the spiraling stairs, tens of black-hooded figures stood before as if they were going to attack. A wave of tension and dizziness hit me instantaneously and I was left there feeling queasy.


            Trying to dart all the needed kunais and shuriken at the figures, I hit them, but, this time, a cerulean electrical current lashed out and the hooded figures staggered like a burning television and was out of the picture instantly. Holograms.


            Out of all the weapons I threw, one particular kunai managed to hit one . . . if I do say so myself . . . very concealed compartment of the room—a compact button hidden in the corner of a wall. Was this the very thing that started all those figures I could have never reached? Kami . . . this is getting more complicated by the second.


            Retrieving all the fallen weapons swiftly, I exited that creepy room and entered the dark halls, lit with dim lanterns. Now using my Sharingan, I crept through the corridors and met a sign stating, “Dungeons. Authorized personal only.”


            “Fine by me,” I murmured barely to myself.


            I sprinted through the passageways with ease. I then heard a low growl . . .and then a terrified scream of despair.


End of Flashback


            Five horrifying-looking tigers were glaring at me seething deathly roars through their teeth. Behind them, through the metal bars, stood a deathly pale Sayaka, appearing terrified out of her mind.

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