Chapter Eight: iSpecial!~ Kakashi: A Game of Shogi

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Chapter Eight


Kakashi: A Game of Shogi

*Before the Jonin Exams for Sayaka and Kakashi started.

Kakashi's Point of View

"Would you mind playing a game of shogi with me, Kakashi?" Minato-sensei asked me.

"Why, sensei?" I asked with my serious eyes boring into his.

"You'll see," Minato-sensei smiled.

"Hai, sensei," I replied as I went to his house where Kushina-sama was not home.

Soon after, we came in and took our shoes off, I went up to Minato-sensei's room where he had already set up the shogi board with the pieces in place.

I placed the pawns in their places and the other ones on their place as well. The king and queen were placed in the center behind the wall of pawns.

"You can make the first move, neh, Kakashi?" Sensei smiled.

"H-hai," I responded as I moved the pawn in front of the queen first.

"Good move," Sensei smirked as he copied my move.

I then moved the pawn in front of the king, and Minato-sensei copied my move exactly with his pawn. I then moved my queen diagonally two squares. Minato-sensei. Every move I made was copied by Minato-sensei. When I moved my king one step forward, Minato-sensei would do the exact same. When I moved my bishop diagonally five squares. Minato-sensei would copy my movements.

"Does this happen realistically in war as well?" I thought to myself as I moved my pawn up another square.

Minato-sensei then moved exactly the same.

"What was sensei thinking?" I thought once again.

"Sensei, why are you copying my moves?" I asked, suspicious of what he was planning.

"Do you believe that this game will have a winner?" Sensei asked, thinking seriously.

I thought about it for a minute before replying, "No."

"Will it be a tie?" Minato-sensei questioned as he copied my movements again.

"Yes," I replied wearily.

"Well, the answer is no and yes," Sensei smiled, looking up at me. "There is no end to a game of shogi when the opponent copies the moves of his opponent. The answer is yes because there is no real winner.

"Oh," I said as I stopped playing the game. "But, sensei, why are you telling me this in the first place?"

Minato-sensei collected the pieces on the game board and cleaned up the set before saying, "To play a game of shogi is similar to the strategy on the battlefield. You must sacrifice pieces to win. You must think wisely to conquer."

"I still don't get it," I sighed, slightly frustrated.

"Your father sacrificed himself for the sake of his friends. He died for them," Minato-sensei said. "Not exactly like that, but you know what I mean. The same thing goes with you and Obito. Don't make each other mad. Just go along with. Don't scold him. He may act like a dummy to you, but he's a good boy at heart. Kakashi?"

"H-hai," I said, looking to the side.

"Good," Minato-sensei smiled. "You're dismissed for the day."

"Hai, sensei," I saluted to my superior before leaving for home.

"That lesson was . . . confusing . . . I still don't get it. I thought that the rulebook said that the mission comes before hand. Father did wrong, and I will not repeat his mistake, even if Obito, Rin, Minato-sensei, and Sayaka are in danger. The mission comes first. Pride. Humility. Honor. Those are all that count in the life of a true . . . shinobi," I told myself.

However, it sounded as if I was trying to convince myself than stating the truth, the truth that I see with my eyes.


Allow me to tell you one thing I love about writing fan fictions and reading them. When you imagine the scene like an anime episode, it's absolutely amazing. Seriously. From what I believe, I bet that most of you all always imagine stories that way-whether involuntarily or voluntarily, but . . . for those who don't, do it! It's cool! ^-^


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