Chapter Thirty-Two: Tension

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Chapter Thirty-Two


Kakashi’s Point of View

            Sayaka and I both stepped into the Hokage’s office as a wave of smoky aroma hit us like a blockade. Well, for me, anyways.

            “Ah, Kakashi,” the Third greeted the both of us. “Sayaka . . . How have the both of you been lately?”

            “Quite well,” I replied for us two. “And you?”

            “Quite well as well,” the Third smiled. “And why exactly are you here today?”

            “Just to see if you needed any assistance,” Sayaka answered for me. “And, I personally wanted to know what the name of Minato’s son is and his whereabouts.”

            “Why thank you,” he chuckled before answering my other questions. “His name is Naruto after the main character of Jiraiya’s “Tale of a Gutsy Ninja” or something of the sort. The godfather is the Sannin himself although he has escaped somewhere . . . we are still searching after all. He will be under my supervision for the time being. Meanwhile . . . I have just recalled a task for you two . . .”

            I wriggled my eyebrows, “And what may that be, may I ask?”

            “Clear the wreckage of the damage,” he began. “And then make sure that all civilians are safe and sound. Once you keep that in check, I need Kakashi to go along with Genma on a mission to the Village of the Hidden Secret. That’s a code name for now, but that’s what we shall call it.”

            “But what about Sayaka?” I asked, concerned for his best friend.

            “She will help you with the first two tasks and then I have another mission for her,” the Third replied.

            “But-,” I began to say, but was interrupted by the Third.

            “No ‘buts,’ Kakashi,” the Hokage interrupted. “I have a special task for her to complete and only she can do it, understand?”

            “Hai,” I said reluctantly.

            “Well, then,” he smiled out of the blue. “Get to work.”


            “I can’t freaking believe that he just blew me off like that!” I ranted to Sayaka as she just pulled wreck after wreck into a heaping pile, laughing. “I mean . . . this just isn’t fair! I’m the one who is always paired up with you for missions . . . so why do I have to go with Genma on a mission?! He’s not even an ANBU! He’s just a jonin!”

            “But a cute one,” Sayaka added teasingly.

            “Very funny, Sayaka, very funny,” I added with a fallacious straight face.

            “I know, right?” she chuckled before she mumbled a jutsu chant, burning up the entire pile of debris. “You were saying?”

            “You interrupted my train of thought,” I sighed, chuckling afterwards. “I think we’re done with the cleaning.”

Sayaka’s Point of View

            “Hahaha, I think we are indeed,” I laughed lightly. “So now the civilians . . . and then we’re off on separate missions . . .”

            “Yeah . . . I guess we are,” Kakashi replied bluntly.

            We then traveled to all sites where the civilians were held. Evacuating each and every site, one by one, person by person, we managed to allow all of them to safety and back to their homes. Yamato built new houses soon after the entire thing went down, so people whose houses were destroyed had new houses to live in. All’s well that ends well . . . right?

            “Ready for your mission with Genma?” I asked him, trailing him to his house.

            “Not really,” he shrugged. “Just need to gather some stuff at my place and then I’m off.”

            “Hahaha, okay,” I chuckled before we entered his home.

            I stood there awkwardly as he assembled and organized his supplies for the trip. A first aid kit . . . A mini notepad . . . pen . . . some money . . . some book named Icha Icha Para- . . . Wait a moment, zoom back . . . Icha Icha Paradise?!

            “Kakashi?!” I exclaimed, shocked. “What are you reading?”

            “Hm?” he pondered for a moment. “Oh, that, hahaha, Jiraiya asked me to read it to see how I liked it, you see . . . The Tale of a Gutsy Ninja really got to me and so . . .”

            “Not a very good definition for reading a perverted book, Kakashi,” I shook my head disapprovingly.

            “Hahaha,” he sweat dropped. “So I guess I’d better get going. See ya after my mission, Sayaka.”

            “Yup, bye!” I waved in reply as I watched him far off the distance before I locked his door behind, leaving for mine.

Kakashi’s Point of View

            I knocked on the Hokage’s office door. The hallways still had that smoky aroma, and that all worsened once Genma took his place beside me, and I kept my ignorant façade.

            “So how are you, Kakashi?” Genma asked amiably.

            “Quite good, and yours?” I replied out of courtesy. It wasn’t as if I had a choice, now did I?

            “You may enter, Kakashi, Genma,” the Hokage ordered through the wooden door, and the guards let us in.

            The doors slammed behind us. The room was dark and dim. Smoke filled the eerie room to the maximum. What was this intense feeling of fright and fear?

            “I would like you two to go on a mission to find a certain criminal of an unknown village . . . All we know is that he is currently located in the Land of Iron. Only the higher-up officials of the samurais know that you two will be there . . .  Therefore . . . I will send you two there . . . now,” stated the Hokage.

            “Yes, sir,” Genma replied, bowing.

            “Hai,” I replied reluctantly, still pondering about Sayaka and what her mission would possibly be.

            “And if you’re wondering what Sayaka’s mission is, Kakashi,” the Hokage smirked. “She will be on a mission to search for a newfound organization called the Akatsuki.”

            At that, I stood aghast, wondering what was going to unfurl now . . .

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