Chapter Eleven: The Mission at Kannabi Bridge Part II

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Chapter Eleven

The Mission at Kannabi Bridge Part II


            I followed Kakashi along the way there, thinking about what to say to Kakashi to change his mind. I could tell that he was feeling guilty, for the most part. However, what was I to do to change his mind? It was merely impossible . . . practically . . .

His shoulder was starting to hurt and I asked him, “Thinking about Rin? I know . . . you should feel bad . . . Don’t you even remember what Minato-sensei said? How about your father? Obito? Don’t you remember anything at all? I know that you’re thinking about what Obito said. Those who break the rules a trash . . . Kakashi . . .”

“Sayaka . . . stop it please . . .” Kakashi murmured softly in guilt.

“Tell me, please, what you think really? Not what the rules, say, but you personally,” I asked him.

“I . . . I . . .” he trailed off. “I believe that I should save Rin. Deep down. But . . . I should follow the rules . . .”

“Just telling you, but Rin likes you,” I said out of the blue.

“I know that . . .” he replied, looking down towards the ground. “Know what? Let’s go . . .”

            “Then . . . let’s go,” I smiled, taking his hand as we rushed into the thick forest.

            About fifteen minutes later, we saw Obito almost being sliced by the enemy’s katana. However, Kakashi dashed out to protect Obito by slashing his sabre square in the chest. I kept my chakra concealed to watch far away. Another thing about this mission was that I was to not to much since the Hokage ordered strictly to allow Kakashi and his team some space to bond and so forth. I was to only intervene if absolutely necessary. That’s another reason I didn’t tell Minato . . . but I was pretty sure that he would know by now.

            “Silver hair, and that blade with the white chakra light . . .” the foe muttered in complete shock. “Could you be the White Fang of Konoha?”

            “This is a memento of my father,” Kakashi said, showing his gleaming sword at the enemy.

            “Kakashi, you . . .” I heard Obito mumble.

            “I see, you’re the White Fang’s brat,” the enemy smirked. “Then I have nothing to fear.”

            He then pointed two fingers up towards the sky as he disappeared into thin air. Probably invisibility. Hm . . . Kakashi . . . Obito . . . how are you going to handle this?

            Both Obito and Kakashi were looking wearily around at their surroundings. Cautious of whatever could be before them.

            “Obito! Behind you!” Kakashi suddenly yelled, warning his comrade.

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