Chapter Six: The First Exam

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 Chapter Six

The First Exam


            “Kakashi,” I said, tugging his arm as we walked in.

            “What?” he replied curtly.

            “So many people this year . . .” I responded nervously, looking around at everyone around us.

            “Wow, a ninja like you is nervous about a cheap exam? Sad,” Kakashi rolled his eyes.

            “Hmph,” I sighed as I turned the other way around. “Idiot . . .”

            We entered the examination room and were inspected to see if we would cheat or have any connection from the outside.

            Once that was done with, that long process, I swear, I was given the number thirteen to sit in. Is that unlucky or what? Oh, wait, that’s a bit too superstitious. So . . . never mind that comment. Kakashi was given the number forty-seven, which meant that he would be seated at the far right corner of the room. Well, not exactly corner, but . . . well, he’s on, like, row second to last of the last one. So, it’s not exactly the last row, but close enough for me. Man, I need to, no, should be more specific from now on. Well, not too specific . . . but . . . oh, well, whatever. Now that was a long drabble.

            A man in a long, black robe entered the room. He was dressed like one of those people who worked for the intelligence unit. Oh, great, he’s the “torturer”, Ibiki. And how old was he again? Oh, right, around the Sannin’s age. Yep, that’s right. The Sannin’s age. Like, what? Thirty? Mid-twenties? I-D-K.

            “Here are the rules, bakas!” the man barked at us in a creepy, demanding, and, not to mention, stern voice. This guy is creepy! I’d rather have the guy from last time I took the exams when he was really mean with a scar marring his face than this loud, boisterous Ibiki! I’m freaking serious!

            “Just get to the test already . . .” I muttered to myself as Ibiki, in return, glared at me as if he heard what I said.

            “Since someone in this room is such an impatient and rational shinobi, or should I say kunoichi, let’s start so that I could just kick her out of here!” he glared at me in a menacing way, as if he was ready to rip me apart into billions of pieces. Scary. Kakashi smacked his forehead, embarrassed that he had any relation to me. Sorry, Kakashi. Not really am. Everyone else, on the other hand, were just staring at the ceiling with bored faces. Some were sleeping; others were staring; and some just looked at me like I was a maniac. Come on, what did I do?!

            The tests were passed out among the test takers by the assistant proctors, who also looked so very intimidating. We were forbidden to turn the test over until the proctor stated that we could.

            Once Ibiki screamed go time, I flipped the test packet over and looked at the first section- mathematics. Yay, they finally modified the exams to my liking! Ha! I read the word problem about “ifs.” Let me explain what “ifs” are. “Ifs” are what we ninjas who are quite high in ranks (such as high chunins, jonins, ANBU, et cetera) call “what ifs” in short. I know, it’s lame, but who cares?! After finishing the first twenty math problems about algebra in less than four minutes, I looked at the last ten questions. And, they weren’t even questions. They were essays. Practically, that is. Each word problem was a page long. The first one told the story of some random hypothetical dude who was hiding in a tree, waiting to aim for some criminal who was somehow walking down a street. That took about a thousand words. Seriously. So, I just got down to the last sentences of the whole story thingy and it told me to solve these questions:

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