Chapter Thirty: Whatever False Become True

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Chapter Thirty

Whatever False Become True


Sayaka’s Point of View


            I was looking at myself in the mirror. Was this kimono good enough? Or should I just wear a simple dress? Twirling here and twirling there, I kept staring at my reflection. Would Genma like this? Or . . . Was the dress truly better for the occasion. Maybe I should just wear my ninja outfit. No . . . that would be too informal for my first date with Genma.

            Outside, you could hear the various cries and shouts of those hollering, advertising for their products. Little children were running around with their little bags of money and little toys won through the various games. The streets were illuminated radiantly with lights and lanterns. The stars glistened brilliantly upon the dark, night sky. At this point, I was just dazed by my surroundings I barely noticed that Genma was already at my door. Currently in my navy-laced, mid-sleeved dress-shirt with black leggings, I raced down the stairs and opened the door.

            “Genma,” I bowed my head slightly as a courtesy of my guest and date. “Come in. It’ll just take me a little longer before I am ready.”

            “Well,” he blushed. “You look ready to me.”

            “Not really,” I laughed lightly before rushing back up the stairs to put on a little lip-gloss and mascara to enhance my appearance.

Genma’s Point of View


            Sitting down on the velveteen, beige couch, I observed around me. Sayaka’s place was neat and orderly. Everything looked prim and proper. Nothing was out of ordinary or fashionable, but it was simple, ample, yet professional.

            “I’m done,” I heard Sayaka say behind me.

            As I turned around to see her, I was shocked. She looked . . . absolutely stunning. There were no words to describe her at all. Her eyes were a little bolder than usual, and her lips glistened upon the light that shined from the ceiling.

            “Ready?” she asked sweetly, tilting her hips to the side and the rest of herself along with it.

            “I-I guess so,” I stuttered as she dragged me out of the house and locked the door behind, leaving and laughing the entire way as we ambled our way around the festival.

Kakashi’s Point of View


            On guard around the illuminating and festive occasion celebrating Konoha’s annual holiday of fun and activities, I took on the job of roaming around the outskirts and within the festival as well.

            “Heya,” I smiled, holding up my hand as a sign of greeting. “What’s up, Kotetsu . . . Izumo.”

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