Chapter Thirty-Four: Confusion

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Chapter Thirty-Four


Sayaka’s Point of View

            All I could see was darkness . . . Not a single color, but pitch-black, could be distinguished . . . Suddenly, a slight, slim strip of light ignited through the dark room.

            “O-Obito?” I stuttered as I saw him enter the room, hands hanging loosely at his sides.

            “Sayaka,” he smirked, taking his mask off with his bare hands. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

            “Indeed,” I replied, looking the other way at the wall.

            Obito walked over to me, his finger then lifting up my chin so that I faced him.

            Containing my shock, his face was wrinkled on half his face . . . The boulder . . . That must have been what crushed that side of his face . . .

            “I want you to join the Akatsuki. Kakashi and Konoha have waited long enough. Besides, he killed Rin, he deserves to be isolated.”

            At Obito’s every word, my mind was set ablaze . . . Kakashi did indeed kill Rin. It was all his fault.

            “But how are you still alive?” I questioned, returning to my initial mood—shock. “No offense, you should have died . . . Not that you should . . . but that just isn’t plausible!”

            He chuckled, taking his finger against my chin off me, “As a matter of fact, I really was supposed to die that day . . . if it wasn’t for Madara.”

            “M-Madara?!” I exclaimed, shocked, before Obito clamped my mouth with his hand.

            “Sh,” he silenced me. “No one in the Akatsuki knows that you’re here.”

            “O-oh,” I whispered. “I see . . .”

            “So, Akatsuki? Or the Leaf?” Obito pressured.

            “Obito . . .” I replied cautiously. “You know that this is an evil organization, no?”

            “Of course, I do,” he sighed, wandering against the adjacent wall, only his side visible to my face. “But I owe it all to Madara to my survival thus to this day . . . And the fact that I saw Kakashi kill Rin . . . made matters all the worse.”

            “You saw . . . Kakashi kill Rin?” I stuttered, eyes wide.

            “I probably wasn’t there for most of the fight, but at the end, I saw him kill Rin right through the heart . . . Didn’t even bother to stay to pick up her body either . . . Left it to the enemy nins . . . I killed them after he left . . . and watched her die . . . in my arms . . .”

            Obito’s eyes were soft . . . and . . . vulnerable . . . All he ever had was us, after all . . . And it was true . . . Rin and Minato were dead . . . Long gone . . . So was Kushina . . . Only Kakashi, he, and I were left . . . Just the three of us . . . Only us left of Team Minato . . .

            “Decided upon your answer yet, dear?” he smirked as he glanced at me, not moving from his previous stance.

            “No,” I replied after a brief pause. I had to be firm on this one. I couldn’t just leave Konoha and betray it for a comrade . . . unless it was absolutely necessary . . . and it was for a good cause . . . But joining such an organization wasn’t a good cause. It was and ignorant and dense choice. Not worth it . . . Especially since Kakashi was still there . . . and I had to admit . . . my feeling for him were still there . . . As much as I hate to say it, I love him . . . but he will never love me. He’s Kakashi . . . Many girls swoon for him . . . Though I am not one of them, he likes girls with big boobs and skinny and slim figures and . . . beautiful faces . . . I didn’t have big boobs . . . I was an A . . . I wasn’t stick skinny like other girls either . . . But I wasn’t exactly chubby or fat either . . . And my face was normal . . . nothing pretty about it.

            Obito exhaled in a sigh, “I expected as much . . . You love Kakashi, don’t you?”

            He read my mind . . .

            “Y-Yeah . . .” I muttered, looking against the corner of the wall. “I . . . do . . .”

            “He will never love you back, you know,” he replied in a pitying voice. “But . . . I will . . . I will always be there for you . . . I will love you until the end of time. Kakashi is stupid for not wanting you . . . You’re alluring and lovely . . . Your eyes compel me to you no matter what . . .”

            He lifted my chin up to face directly at him, breath ragged, “You know that . . . Kakashi will never love you, but I will.”

            My eyes watered, but tears did not fall . . . It was true . . . Kakashi would never love me any other way except as a friend . . . Obito, however, I was still unsure about . . .

            He leaned in closer to me, and I somehow automatically did the same. Then, we kissed . . . passionately as he held me close, unlike any other man had ever done to me.

Kakashi’s Point of View

            I was in a frantic search for Sayaka. Where on earth could she be? Holding the locket close, I slipped it around my neck and under my shirt for safety. I didn’t want to lose such a precious item—especially Sayaka’s . . . precious item.

            “Kakashi!” I heard Genma yell form behind me. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

            “Looking for Sayaka!” I yelled over my shoulder as I continued to sprint.

            “Why on earth for?!” Genma yelled as he was attempting to catch up with me. Good luck with that.

            “She doesn’t drop a precious item on the ground without a good reason! I felt her chakra traces back over somewhere . . . She was there, and then bam! Gone!” I shouted over the wind that was blowing hard against us.

            “You’re kidding!” Genma replied, shocked, as he now caught up with me.

            “Well, I wouldn’t just ditch a mission for something else not as important as this, now would I?” I countered, exasperated at this man beside me. He was too damn annoying.

            I exhaled a huge breath before continuing our pace towards the remaining traces of where by Kami Sayaka was . . .

Sayaka’s Point of View

            As we broke off our kiss, Obito caressed my neck with his mouth while twirling my brown strands of hair with one hand.

            “O-Ob-bit-to,” I stammered. “Wh-What are w-we d-d-doing?”

            “Do you want me to stop?” he asked through muffles.

            “I-I,” I hesitated. “N-No . . .”

            “Then, I won’t,” Obito replied as he carried me bridal style to a bright room, where he held me close the entire night, seemingly never letting me go . . .


And, if you're asking, no they didn't do anything dirty xD

Just kissing . . . xD


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