Chapter Twenty-One: The ANBU Mission (Part IV)

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Chapter Twenty-One

The ANBU Mission: Part IV


            “Kakashi!” I chided teasingly. “Stop with the scary effects!”

            “Hahaha . . .” he laughed. “I know you love me.”

            “Pft,” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right.”

            “Hahaha,” he kept guffawing as I kept staring at him in ‘disgrace.’

            “In any case,” he waved it off. “We’ll be leaving soon.”

            “All right, then,” I sweat dropped as I walked off to refill my canteen bottle.

            The water was like crystal as it flowed graciously in the lake. Reflecting the full moon from above, the lake glided freely as ever as it coursed through the multiple streams channeling it.

The moon is all I ever need

To find the water ever freed

The tree drops down to plant a seed

Where will its roots now lead?


The koi fishes move like yin and yang

For which it was that I sang

The tiger and its sole fang

Roars loudly like a clang


Nature’s begin is still ongoing

Forever onward flowing

The moon and sun are ever glowing

All the brightness in our hearts is showing


            “That . . . was beautiful,” I heard Kakashi tell me from behind, giving me some shivers.

            “Um . . .” I sweat dropped, my hair glistening against the moonlight. “Thanks?”

            “Welcome,” he smiled as he placed his black mask over his nose.

            I did the same.

            “Ready to go?” he asked.

            “As I’ll ever be,” I replied with a smile as we leaped in the tall trees, leaving only the rare snap of a twig or so.

Kakashi’s Point of View


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