Chapter Twenty-Nine: Chance

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Chapter Twenty-Nine



Sayaka’s Point of View


            Once we had arrived back to Konoha, both Kakashi and I, still not on speaking terms, reported to Minato-sensei of our month-long mission, although Kakashi did most of the talking.

            “We have both of the criminals sealed within this scroll that Sayaka has,” Kakashi informed Minato, snatching the scroll strapped upon my backpack and handing it to Minato-sensei.

            “How by Kami did you accomplish such feat?” Minato stared at us wide-eyed. “These two men, now that I can recall and recollect who this ‘Kyou’ is, are in the black book. Oh my, you two, excellent job as always.”

            We both murmured our gratitude, an awkward tension still hung around in the air.

            “I guess I can leave you two to the Konoha festival tonight,” he smiled at us. “But before that, did you knock them out with something?”

            “Coma serum,” Kakashi replied immediately, however, in an obnoxious attitude. “I thought it was of better use than the regular since it would get the job done quicker so that Sayaka could be here in time for her date with Gemna.”

            “Well, Kakashi,” I began my rant. “At least Genma is a nice, sweet guy who actually is amiable to me, you know.”

            “Well, then,” Kakashi bore his eyes into me. “Since Genma is so much better than me, why don’t you just go to him now and shut up and leave me alone!”

            “You know what?” I countered, pointing my finger accusingly at him. “Maybe I should . . . since you’re such an insolent, impertinent guy who doesn’t appreciate my company after all these years . . . especially after what you did to Obito and Rin!”

            At that being said, I stormed out of the room after seeing the pained look on his face. He deserved it. If he doesn’t want to appreciate me, why should I to him?

Minato’s Point of View


            After hearing the heated discussion between Kakashi and Sayaka, I was quite surprised. Those two never argued . . . much, for the matter . . . not since the day Rin had tragically died, and the fact that the subject was over Genma was really astonishing to me. Well, Kakashi never lost to anyone when it came to love or trivial matters. He practically always won, and for Genma to ask Sayaka before he did . . . was a shock to him, no doubt.


Before the Mission

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