Chapter Seventeen: I Wish You Knew That I Love You

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Chapter Seventeen

I Wish You Knew That I Love You


Kakashi’s Point of View


            I woke up that morning, seeing the bright rays of the sun at my face. There was also a particular warmth making my heart beat a little faster than warmer.

            “Sayaka?” I asked, looking up.

            “Hm?” she asked, smiling at me as she stroked my hair.

            “What time is it?” I asked, curious.

            “Only eight in the morning,” she smiled at me warmly.

            “I see . . .” I replied as I stretched while standing.

            “Yep,” she beamed as she looked out the window.


            “When will you be released?” I asked while walking over to the open window, winds gently blowing the curtains.

            “Right now; once I check out with Minato or Kushina,” Sayaka informed me.

            “Well, then, let’s get you checked out,” I smiled at her as I held her hand to check out of the hospital.

            “Konnichiwa,” Sayaka smiled at Kushina and Minato who were eating their breakfast at the table.

            “Good morning, Sayaka,” Kushina smiled warmly as she placed some toasted cinnamon bread on the table for us to eat. “Have some, please.”

            “Arigato,” Sayaka smiled as she sat down next to me.

            “Eat, Sayaka,” I ordered her as I ate as well.

            After we had finished eating, Sayaka offered to do the dishes, despite all of our protests.

            “Sayaka!  You’re still recuperating! Stop it! I’ll do it!” Kushina offered as she was about to lean the dishes.

            “Immobile jutsu!” Sayaka said quietly as we were all immobilized. “Hn, I’ll just clean the house all day while you all get to sleep.

            After she said so,  I blacked out.

Sayaka’s Point of View


            Hn, I gently placed all of them to their respected beds in their respected bedrooms.

            “Now . . . now . . . what to do . . .” I muttered to myself as I started to clean the dishes and the rest of the house.

            I sang . . .

If I had one chance

To tell you . . .

If I had one chance . . . to . . . say . . .

I love you . . .

Oh, I love you . . .


As much as I want to tell you . . .

As much as I want to say . . .

Aishiteiru . . .

Oh, aishiteiru . . .


Oh, please . . .

Just tell me . . .

If you can return these feelings

Back to me . . .

Oh, back to me . . .


Aishiteiru . . .


            “That was beautiful . . .” I heard someone say, making me jump in surprise.

            “Kya! Kakashi!” I shouted as I slapped him “angrily.”

            “Let me help you,” he smiled as he took the sweeper I was using to clean the rest of the dust on the floor.

            “Arigato, Kakashi,” I smiled as I handed it to him.

            Our hands were intertwined together and the feeling was . . . was . . . tingling.

            I suddenly snapped out of it, “Uh, yeah, here.”

            Kakashi blushed, “What do you want to do now?”

            “You’re done already?” I replied, shocked.

            Only a few seconds had passed.

            “It’s been fifteen minutes . . .” he muttered, scratching the back of his head.

            “Oh, I never knew until now,” I sweat dropped as he dragged me outside.

            “Spar?” he asked, smirking.

            “You’re on . . .” I smiled in return as we sparred into the evening.

            “I just wish that you knew that I love you . . .” I thought as we kept fighting.

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