Chapter Twenty: The ANBU Mission (Part Three)

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Chapter Twenty

The ANBU Mission: Part Three


            By the next day’s night fall, we had escorted Kyou safely to his territory with no distractions . . . enemy-wise, that is.

            “Please, do come in,” Kyou tried to persuade me with no avail.

            “Please, Kakashi and I need to return to Konoha,” I lied.

            We were supposed to be on lookout out in this territory due to the recent hearings of conspiracies against Konoha.

            “Oh, c’mon, one night, my dearest?” he asked me.

            I sighed, “One night.”

            Kakashi gave me a surprised glare from under his mask.

            We were guided to two separate rooms, and Kakashi protested due to his fear of my safety.

            “One room, please, or we won’t stay,” Kakashi informed Kyou-sama.

            “Seriously?” he rolled his eyes as he ordered his servant to give us one room.

            “Arigato, Kyou-sama,” I smiled my fakest smile of all eternity and he took it.

            “Your welcome, my darling dear,” he flashed a white smile as he returned to his room on another floor.

            “Phew,” I sighed as I closed the door and leaned against it. “I swear, he’s the worst.”

            “Sh,” Kakashi chided me. “People can hear you.”

            “Oh, pft. Forgot,” I sighed once again before I changed my clothes into a black T-shirt and shorts.

            “Why did you agree to stay here?” Kakashi asked with a raised eyebrow.

            “He could be the one who has the conspiracies against Konoha, you know,” I answered his question. “Or it could be the people around him. You never know. So, for now, we’re spies.”

            “Then at least wear black,” he chuckles as he handed me some black clothing.

            “Whoops,” I laughed along with him as I changed into them in the bathroom.

Kakashi’s Point of View


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