Chapter 2.

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When Fourth wakes up, he realized that Gemini is still in his arms. All he remembers is how Gemini cries himself to sleep and the silent sleeping Gemini is putting him at ease right now. Fourth strokes Gemini's hair softly and kisses the top of his head. He has longed for this since he first set eyes on him.

Just as Fourth thought he could enjoy the moment a little longer, he hears a vibration coming from the bedside table. He turns his head, not wanting to wake Gemini up, to see who's phone is ringing. A soft grumbles erupts from Gemini.

When Gemini groggily opens his eyes and starts to inhale deeply, he didn't realize how close he was with Fourth. "Your phone is ringing." Fourth says softly.

Fourth grumbles. "Help me grab it."

Fourth did as what Gemini told him to and Gemini answers the phone while still snuggled up in Fourth's arms, breathing onto Fourth's bare chest. "Hello?" Gemini answers, groggily. Fourth couldn't help but smile to himself.

Fourth couldn't hear the conversation but from the looks of it, it seems pretty important. Gemini crawls out of Fourth's embrace and got out of the bed. "Alright. I'll see you there." Gemini says to the phone before putting it into his pocket. "Thank you for stopping me last night." Gemini says as he tidies up his shirt.

Fourth pushes himself up from the bed. "You're welcome. Where are you going?" Fourth asks, curious. It's still early in the morning and Fourth knows that Gemini wouldn't be attending class.

"I'm meeting my aunt and the others. They've decided to bury my parents and I will have to be in court to hear the driver's sentence in the afternoon." Gemini says as he grabs his bag. "I'll probably won't be in class any time soon. So you'll have to take all the notes."

"Oh how the tables have turned. I'm taking notes for you now." Fourth jest. Fourth feels a little better that Gemini is in a slightly better mood today. He hopes that Gemini genuinely feels better.

"I trust you can send me the notes?" Gemini asks Fourth with a lifted brow.

"I cannot promise you that but I will try my best."

Gemini shakes his head. "Anyway sorry for leaving so sudden." Gemini says as he walks towards the door. "And thanks again for last night. It really made me feel better." Gemini says before opening the door. "Also, I'm kinda glad that I took off your shirt last night. It's definitely a nice sight to see before going off."

Before Fourth could give a remark, Gemini quickly leave the room, shutting the door. Fourth laughs to himself. He couldn't help at how shy Gemini was saying that last sentence that it made his pride swell. He is definitely planning to be shirtless around Gemini more to seduce him.

That night when Fourth is back at his dorm, he couldn't help himself but scroll through the news on any reports regarding last night's driver and his sentence. He wants to know the outcome of his consequence.

Fourth couldn't feel at ease not knowing his sentence. Fourth knows that if he doesn't deserve the worse for killing Gemini's parents, Gemini might not take it well. Despite Gemini being a soft boy, he knows that Gemini holds grudges deeply and he can't tell what Gemini will do if the driver's sentence is a light one.

Fourth spends the whole night on the bed, scrolling through his phone, searching for the outcome. He knows the court case is in the afternoon but he can't help to wonder the outcome. When he refreshes a couple of pages he finally found it.

Fourth reads the text out loud. "Drunk driver sentence to three years in prison."

Fourth shot up from the bed. He is shock that he only received three years. He should be in prison for more than that for killing quite a number of people and destroying a couple of shop houses. He quickly dials Gemini's number and calls him. Fourth looks around as he thinks on what to say to Gemini. Gemini rejected the call and Fourth looks at his phone. Gemini has never rejected his call before.

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