Chapter 9.

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Gemini didn't expect for Fourth to be waiting in front of the store when he's done with work. It was like as if Fourth didn't even go to work at all. He wanted to scout the place for any people that are on his list. Gemini smiles and rides onto the bike, heading home together.

When the two boys got home, Gemini notices that Fourth hasn't taken his helmet off. "Aren't you going to take that thing off?" Gemini asks, curious.

"I'm heading off to the market to get some groceries. I was thinking of having hotpot today. I'm only here to send you back home and head back out like a good husband should." Fourth answers, giving Gemini a wide smile.

"Hotpot? Are you sure? As I said, they're pretty pricey if it's not on sale." Gemini answers, completely ignoring the comment that Fourth made.

"It's fine. I have a lot of extra money ever since I stopped living in my apartment. So think of it as my treat for letting me stay here for free." Fourth answers. "I'll head out first. You can get the things set up while waiting for me."

When Fourth left, Gemini realizes that Fourth didn't even offer to pay a portion of the rental. Gemini quickly runs upstairs and searches for the bloody sickle that he hid. He takes it down to his backyard, and buries it underneath one of his plants. It's the easiest place to hide from Fourth.

Gemini knows how nosy Fourth is. If he were to find out about the bloody sickle in his room, he will have to run away like he did back then. However, this time, Fourth would know the truth of why he left. Gemini takes a quick shower and prepares the stuff for hotpot. He turns on the switch and put the heat to low, letting the water slow boil until Fourth comes back.

Fourth knew he definitely bought some unnecessary things but he did get the main things he need for the hotpot. He just has to make sure that Gemini didn't find out what he bought. When he enters the house, he sees Gemini on the sofa, watching television with the pot bubbling.

"Welcome back. I thought of putting it on the coffee table so we could eat and watch television at the same time." Gemini greets as he got up from the sofa, approaching Fourth. "I'll handle the stuff, you can go up and grab a quick shower before eating."

When Gemini wanted to take the bags from Fourth, Fourth seems reluctant. "It's fine. I can handle it. You can sit down and wait for me." Fourth insist.

"You haven't even showered. Go and take a shower." Gemini grabs the bags from Fourth's hand and walks over to the kitchen. As Gemini is going through the stuff, Fourth stands beside him, hoping that he didn't see the things he bought for personal use.

Gemini pauses as he looks at something that shouldn't be in the bag. He reaches his hand into it and pulls it out. "Lube and a six pack?" Gemini holds the lube up to Fourth. "What are you trying to do? Get me drunk and try to get lucky with me?" Gemini asks.

Fourth laughs nervously. "No... I thought it would go well with the hotpot we're going to eat. I know it would take more than beer to get you drunk. I've seen you drink back when we were at college. Your alcohol tolerance is pretty high. Also..."

"Also what? Explain the lube." Gemini lifts a brow at Fourth, glaring at him.

"I still have my needs and sometimes without it, it feels kind of rough." Fourth explains, nervously laughing.

"You do it on my sofa? I sit there!" Gemini scolds.

"I'll go and take my shower now." Fourth says as he runs up the stairs and closes the door, avoiding contact with Gemini. Fourth takes a longer shower than usual, not knowing what awaits him when he heads back down stairs.

When he eventually made it down stairs, he sees Gemini preparing the dishes for the hotpot and from the looks of it, it's ready to be put inside the pot. He has seasoned the water, making it into a fragrant soup. He sits beside Gemini, ready to eat when all of a sudden, Gemini points to the corner of the sofa. "I put it there in case you need it before sleeping. Just make sure you don't spill onto the sofa." Gemini says as he starts taking some meat and putting it into the pot.

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