Chapter 3.

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As the days passed by, more of the murders with a clean cut through the neck, decapitating heads, start to pop up more and more. It happened more frequently than Fourth would have anticipated. There are at least two or three murders in a week.

Fourth couldn't help but investigate this with what he can. When he looks through the background of the victims, he realizes that they were rapist, drunk drivers who killed a couple of people or any form of criminal that would harm other people.

Fourth couldn't help himself but he knew that he was safe even if he were to go out at night while the other people in the dorm are scared of what might happen. Fourth still manages to get his studies in while looking into all of these murders. He knew that Gemini is still rooting for him to pass all of his finals without him being with him physically.

When the day of his graduation came, he couldn't wait to see Gemini. He is excited to tell Gemini of his grades and want to see how proud Gemini is of him. Fourth makes sure to style his hair and put on as much perfume as humanely possible. He makes sure he looks his best.

Gemini had texted him the day before to fetch him at his house before the graduation and Fourth has left earlier than he should have so he could have more time with Gemini. Just as Fourth got to his bike, he realizes that he has to wear a helmet and it would ruin his hair. He curses the law but puts it on anyway.

Fourth rides onto his bike, not realizing that he was speeding. When he reaches the front of Gemini's house, he looks back. He has to pray the gods for exchanging his messed up hair for not getting any speeding ticket. He cleans up his look, styling his hair once again.

When he looks at Gemini's house, it is his first time here. It's not a big one but he could tell that it was big enough for three people to live inside. He rings the bell at the gate, getting anxious. He didn't know how Gemini would react.

The gates automatically open and he sees the door open, revealing Gemini. He was still in his boxers and tank top. Fourth couldn't help himself, it's been so long since he's seen Gemini. Fourth's leg run before his brain could function. He runs towards Gemini and jumps at Gemini.

Gemini screams as he is surprise from Fourth's tackle. The two boys got knocked onto the floor of Gemini's house. Fourth embraces him tightly. "How are you? It's been a while since I've seen you." Fourth says, trying to hold himself back.

"I'm dying. You've gotten heavier." Gemini forces out as the weight of Fourth on top of him is crushing him.

Fourth got up from on top of Gemini. He offers Gemini a hand. "Sorry, I really can't help myself. I really miss you." Fourth confess. Fourth looks at Gemini once again. "Why aren't you dressed yet? We're supposed to be there in an hour."

Gemini accepts Fourth's help and got up from the floor. "I just woke up. I didn't expect you to reach so early." Gemini says as he rubs his eyes. "Make yourself at home. I'll take a quick shower and get dressed."

Fourth could feel the sense of lust overwhelming his body as he looks at Gemini. He has always seen Gemini with this little clothes but because of the time they spent apart, the lust that has died in Fourth has finally revived. "Do you need help?" Fourth suggests.

Gemini let out laugh. "No. I don't. I can shower all by myself." Gemini says as he takes the stairs. Gemini stops halfway. "I really miss your stupid jokes." Gemini smiles at Fourth before heading further up the stairs.

Fourth smiles, watching Gemini disappear up the stairs. Fourth takes a look around the house. The sliding doors to the backyard are wide open and he could see the garden from inside. Fourth walks out of the house and into the backyard where he could see Gemini's plants planted along the fence. He remembers the plant that Gemini bought when he was with Fourth and takes a closer look.

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