Chapter 19.

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Fourth follows Aun from a safe distance. Just far enough that Aun is still in still in his sight. He takes his slow steps, matching Aun's speed. Fourth makes sure not to make himself noticeable by anyone. He keeps a look out for Gemini, hoping that he would bump into him and stop him before things get really messy.

Fourth's mind is still in a mess, trying to figure out on how to ease the situation. All of a sudden, Fourth sees Aun started running. He knew he couldn't keep himself left behind. Fourth feels his heart dropped, not knowing that Aun has found Gemini and chases after him.

Gemini knew something wasn't right when he sees picture of Aun in the news regarding his crimes and the way he portrayed himself in real life as he stalks him from afar. Its different than all the other criminals that he has encountered. Then he realizes the messages and miss calls that Fourth has been giving him. He didn't even bother reading the texts because he is too excited for this moment. Gemini realised that those text and calls must be because of Aun.

Gemini and Aun eyes accidentally met and Gemini didn't know why but a smile creep up his face. He could see Aun's brow lifts and Gemini take that queue to turn around and walk ahead. He knew that Aun will be following him with Fourth closely behind him.

Gemini finds himself in his favourite street and turns into the dark alley where he knew no one would go to. Gemini runs deep into the alley where the noise from the streets starts to fade out. He could hear the sound of footsteps chasing closely behind him.

When Gemini turns around, he sees an unfamiliar man. He could see that the man is used to running from the way he is managing his breath. "Why are you running after me? All I'm doing is taking a jog." Gemini asks.

"You don't have to know who I am as long as you know why I am chasing you." Aun answers.

"Enlighten me. Why are you chasing after me?" Gemini asks as he puts his bag to the floor.

"I know criminals. After meeting eyes with you, I knew that I finally found you. You're the one murdering all the wanted criminals when they should have been brought to justice by the law." Aun answers. "You put justice into your own hands."

"What? Do you think someone like me has that kind of strength to kill people? I can barely hurt a fly." Gemini answers as he reaches into his bag. "I'm just going to get some water, talking to you is making me thirsty."

Aun reaches for his side and takes out his gun, pointing towards Gemini. "Don't you dare take out whatever that is in that bag."

Gemini knew that no matter what he does, he'll still going to get a gun aimed directly at him. Gemini takes out his sickle and let out a sigh. "I wouldn't have to take this out if you didn't point that gun at me. I thought you would just let me go and we could call it a day." Gemini answers.

"So that's the weapon that you've been using to decapitate people?" Aun asks. "It makes sense. Its big enough to slice someone's neck off cleanly with a strong force."

"I will not say anything to that comment because I know somewhere on you, you are recording our conversation." Gemini answers.

Aun looks around, realizing that there aren't any cameras around or anyone looking from their apartment. It is hard for Aun to make sure that he isn't the one there to witness the current situation. He knows that he isn't allowed to shoot unless Gemini does something but all he is doing is standing there with a sickle in his hand.

"What is this?!" Fourth yells as he comes running towards the both of them. He didn't know what was going on but considering that both of them has their weapon's out, it is definitely not a good sign.

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