Chapter 5.

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"Would you like some tea or anything to drink?" Gemini asks as they enter his house. "I will be making dinner as well. Do you want any?" Gemini throws his bag towards Fourth who manage to catch it in midair.

"Yeah. Anything you'll cook is good. It's been a long time since I ate any of your cooking." Fourth didn't mind eating some more despite just eating with his senior. He looks around the house. He didn't expect to get a landed property. It was narrower than Gemini's previous home but Fourth knows that all Gemini needs is just an empty backyard for him to grow his plants.

Before Gemini could take a look out the back to his garden, Gemini stops him. "Fourth! Go and take a shower first before you head out to the garden. I am not having your dirty... whatever on my plants. I don't know what you work as and where you have been."

Fourth grunts. "Fine. Where is your bathroom? I don't see it here." Fourth says as he looks around the first floor. He points towards the stairs leading up. "Is it the second floor?" Fourth asks.

"Yes it is. Upstairs into my bedroom and there's a bathroom." Gemini answers.

"Oh is it? Then I'll use your clothes for the mean time. Since all of your clothes is there, I'll take a peek at your closet to see if you're still using the same things as you did back when we were in the dorm." Fourth says as he bounces his brows.

Gemini starts to realize what he meant but as Gemini starts to chase him, Fourth runs up the stairs and locks the door. Gemini slams his fist onto the door. "You better not do anything pervertic in my room while you're in there!"

"It's hard not to!" Fourth yells back.

Gemini shakes his head. He heads down the stairs and head out to the garden. He looks at the sickle underneath a chilli plant. Gemini let out a sigh of relief and he picks it up and looks back at the stairs, making sure Fourth didn't make his appearance. The sickle's blade is drenched in dried blood. He digs up a small hole by the chilli tree, burying the sickle in it, making sure Fourth couldn't find it.

Gemini heads back to the kitchen and starts cooking as he waits for Fourth to come out from his room. As much as Gemini is afraid of Fourth doing any perverse things in his room, he is more afraid of what he'll find in his garden. Luckily he manages to stop Fourth from entering the garden.

Fourth finishes his shower and takes Gemini's towel and wraps it around his waist. He heads out of the room and down stairs. When he sees Gemini eating on the sofa while watching the television, he completely forgot that this isn't his home.

"Fourth!" Gemini yells out.

"What do you mean by me?! You started eating without waiting for me?!" Fourth yells back.

"Go and get dressed now! I don't care if you have to use my clothes." Gemini turns the other way. Gemini is surprised at how far Fourth's body has gotten over the years. He wants to continue staring but he didn't want to make it so obvious.

"Fine. Usually this doesn't bother you, I don't know why it does now." Fourth grumbles, heading up into the room. Fourth grabs the nearest tank top and boxers he finds and head down stairs. He grabs his bowl and sits beside Gemini, looking at the television. "I still can't believe you're eating without me. You always waited for me and we would eat together."

Gemini looks at Fourth as he pouts while eating. "Fine. I'll wait for you next time. I'm just really hungry. I haven't eaten since noon."

Fourth nods as he starts eating more and more. He forgot how good Gemini's cooking is. It takes him back to the time when they were in college. The air got thick and the both of them could feel it. They are waiting to see who would address the situation.

Once Fourth finishes eating, he puts the bowl on the coffee table and turns to Gemini. "So why did you leave so sudden? You said you would text me and I'd come find you but I called you and text you but you didn't even reply me. I waited Gemini. I waited for you call or text or anything from you. I waited for more than a month."

Gemini looks down at his hands. The silence fills the room as Fourth sees how hard it is for Gemini to tell him the reasoning. The silence was long but each time Gemini opens his mouth, he pulls back. Fourth let out a sigh. "If you don't feel like sharing it now, then you don't have to. I'll wait until you're comfortable or when you're ready." Fourth says.

Gemini smiles at Fourth. "Thank you. Are you angry?"

Gemini could see Fourth's eyes soften. It was that look that makes Gemini feel at ease. "As much I want to be angry, I can't. It's selfish of me to say this but I want... No, I need you next to me. There isn't a day where I wasn't thinking of you."

"I thought you would have moved on. What I did... It was more than cruel to end it like that." Gemini admits.

"How could I?" Fourth puts his hand on Gemini's cheek. "I know you felt the same way as I do back then and that was what kept me going. It was you. You might not say your feelings into words but your actions shows. Even your words, you might not say it directly but I know what it actually meant."

Gemini leans his face onto Fourth's hand. "You really do know me very well."

"Of course." Fourth leans in closer to Gemini. "I've also been waiting three years for this." Fourth leans in to kiss Gemini on the lips. The short peck on his lips was all he could hope for. Gemini blinks a couple of times before blushing.

"I've been waiting for that too." Gemini smiles. "I'll only say this because I can't hold it in anymore. I really miss you, Fourth."

Fourth tackles Gemini onto the sofa. Fourth lies on top of Gemini with his face closely by Gemini's. Gemini could feel Fourth's breath on his cheek. "Shall we do something to fulfil the hole in our heart from missing each other?" Fourth whispers. "It'll be my first time."

"N-No! Not yet. It's going to be my first time too. I want to be ready for it." Gemini stutters his words as he knows what Fourth meant by that. He wraps his arms around Fourth. "We both know that we don't need that, you're just a little pervert and has been trying to get with me since day one."

Fourth giggles. "I'm your little pervert."

"So we're claiming that title now?" Gemini asks.

"Only if you want to."

Gemini rolls his eyes. He pushes Fourth aside and sits on the sofa. "Fourth. Before you start liking me, you got to remember, I am not the same Gemini that you fall for when you were in college. I am a completely different person."

"I could say the same for you. We're both adults now. There would be something about us that has to change or else there might be something wrong with you." Fourth comments, laying his head on Gemini's lap. "Either way, you're still Gemini. Gemini is Gemini."

The topic suddenly got Gemini curious. "So you're working now? What are you working as?" Gemini asks.

"I'm working as a detective now." Fourth answers.

"Oh..." Gemini sounds nervous. "So what kind of cases do you do?"

"I solve murder cases and some theft cases. But recently there's one case that I can't seem to solve. Do you remember the decapitation murder at our town? It has stopped and now it's happening here. However, not as often." Fourth answers.

Gemini keeps silent. "Do you think it's the same murderer? Or someone else?"

"Yeah it must be the same person. The way the murder is carried out, it's the exact same for all of them. It's like as if they have a sword and cleanly cut the head off their neck. Anyway, enough about me, what about you?" Fourth asks, looking up at Gemini.

"Nothing much. Pretty boring. I was a psychologist but I gave up because it was too stressful and time consuming , so I do psychology part time and work with that grandma part time as well. So far it's enough for me to live my life comfortably." Gemini answers.

Gemini looks down at Fourth who is staring at him in the eyes. Gemini's lips curl up and he plays with Fourth's hair. "Well that sounds really good. You got a big house and you get to do whatever you like. Also, with me around, I think your life is going to get more comfortable."

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