Chapter 7.

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Gemini passes Fourth the copied key to his house. "Here. You better not lose it or I'll punch you in the face." Gemini threatens him as Fourth takes the key from Gemini. Fourth's heart starts to flutter. He would have never thought that his dream of living with Gemini would come so soon. He figured that it would take much longer than this.

Fourth leans up closer to Gemini with a wide smile. "Where is this threat coming from? I know you've always been a feisty one but never this feisty." Fourth bounces his brows at Gemini.

Gemini rolls his eyes and turns around as he starts walking. "Come on. We still have to buy some groceries. I need to stock up the fridge now since I'm feeding for two people." Gemini says as Fourth chases after him.

Fourth paces himself with Gemini and bumps his shoulder to the other boy. "Hey, is it bad that I want to kiss you right now? You're looking awfully cute all fierce like that." Fourth asks, tilting his head to look at Gemini's face.

Gemini curls his lips, causing him to smile to Fourth's comment. Gemini's eyes looks at Fourth's face with his adorable smile. "Compliments are bringing you nowhere, Fourth. And no you can't kiss me. Think of it as when we were back in college. You chasing me and I reject you every single time. It's always been like that."

Fourth grunts and turns his attention ahead of him, tangling his fingers together as they rest at the back of his head. "I don't want to go back there again. I want a continuation of what happen after college, where we made our first kiss and you snuggling up on me."

Gemini stops at his tracks, causing Fourth to stop as well. He drops his hands to his side as he wondered why Gemini suddenly halts his steps. Gemini let out a long sigh. "Look, that was just a moment of vulnerability for me. I might have taken advantage of your feelings but all that is over. I'm currently satisfied with where I am now."

The words hits Fourth like a truck and he feels his chest getting tight. When Gemini continues his steps, Fourth follows him. "Well if you say it like that, then why do you accept me to stay with you so quickly? Why did you even bother cooking for me? You might say something else but those actions says something else. I know you well enough to never trust your words and to trust your actions." Fourth boasts with grin, revealing that he knows Gemini better than he knows himself.

Gemini smiles to himself. "Irritating little bugger." Gemini whispers to himself. As much as he would love to deny Fourth's statement, he knows that he misses Fourth as well and having him around the house does erase the loneliness that he is feeling.

"What did you say?" Fourth asks, hearing muttered words from Gemini.

"Nothing. All I said was hurry up. I want to reach home before sun down. That's all." Gemini lies. The two boys head to the super market and buys all sorts of things to cook for dinner. Gemini takes advantage of the massive discounts and turns to Fourth. "Let's have hotpot tonight. There's a lot of things for sale."

"I was thinking of the same thing too. No worry, this is my treat. Also, I want to get onto your good side." Fourth winks at Gemini.

Each time Fourth makes a remark like that, Gemini can't help himself but smile. He shakes his head and lightly smacks the back of Fourth's shoulder. "You're a big flirt then and now. I thought you said that people change? I don't see any change in you so far." Gemini teases the boy.

"I'm only like this with you. I'm more serious at work. Most people respect at work alright. Don't mess with me." Fourth replies.

"Sure you are. I won't believe you until I see it with my own eyes." Gemini answers, sticking his tongue at Fourth. Fourth returns the favour by doing the same. The two boys quickly pays for their groceries and head out. It's a good thing that they decide to walk, all of the groceries won't be able to fit into Fourth's bike.

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