Chapter 10.

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Gemini enjoys watching Fourth sucks onto his thumb. He didn't know if it's the alcohol or if its lust taking over but all he knows is that he's enjoying this view. Fourth reaches for Gemini's pants and grabs onto the waistband, he wants to see Gemini's shaft so bad.

Gemini watches Fourth as his hands pulls his pants down, sliding down his legs. Gemini's shaft bounces out of Gemini's pants. Gemini pulls his thumb out of Fourth's mouth, watching Fourth intently looking at Gemini's shaft. When Fourth looks up at Gemini, it sends swirls inside of Gemini's belly. "Can i?" Fourth asks.

Gemini gives Fourth a nod of approval. Fourth grabs Gemini's shaft with both hands, stroking his shaft and he puts Gemini's head into his mouth. Gemini is surprised at how eager he was at handling his shaft. He could feel the unbelievable waves of pleasure that Fourth is working onto his shaft. He wouldn't believe Fourth if he said it was his first time.

"F-Fuck." Gemini curses out, looking down at Gemini. Fourth has been waiting for so long for this moment and he doesn't want to disappoint Gemini or make it feel like he isn't good at it. He has watched many videos on it and has remembered it to heart incase this would happen.

Fourth swirls his tongue around Gemini's head, while working his hands. He knows that he wouldn't be able to take the full length of Gemini. Gemini's girth itself is making it hard for Fourth's jaw. Fouth tries bobbing his head on Gemini's head, hearing the sounds of the other boy cursing fuels his lust. He knows that if Gemini enjoys it now, he would have a chance at doing it again.

Gemini grabs two fistful of Fourth's hair. "Who would've thought you'd be so good at this?" Gemini moans out. "However, I'm still not satisfied." Gemini pushes his hips into Fourth's mouth, half way through Gemini's shaft, he could hear Fourth gagging.

He let go of Fourth's hair and the boy pulls Gemini's shaft out of his mouth. Fourth could feel himself choking to Gemini's shaft. "I can't put it all in. It's bigger than I thought it was." Fourth says, wiping the drool from his mouth.

"I thought you wanted this?" Gemini pokes Fourth's face with his shaft. "If you can take it for more than five minutes, I'll give you something better. That is if you can take it. If you can't then we'll stop here." Gemini dares Fourth, lightly tapping onto Fourth's face. Gemini knows what Fourth wants and he knows that he would do anything to have his shaft.

Fourth nods. "I'm not backing down from a challenge." Fourth opens his mouth and puts Gemini's head back into his mouth once again. Gemini takes this chance and push forward as hard as he can. Gemini's shaft disappears into Fourth's mouth and the boy was gagging once again. Gemini grabs the back of Fourth's head, pushing it down.

Fourth is grabbing onto Gemini's waist as he could feel Gemini's shaft down the back of his throat. "Relax. Breathe through your nose." Gemini advices in a soft voice. Gemini didn't let go of Fourth's head no matter how much the boy is struggling.

When Gemini realizes the grip on his waist has softens and Fourth isn't pushing back, he knows that Fourth has finally does as what he says. Fourth opens up his eyes and looks up at Gemini. Fourth hates the fact that Gemini still has his shirt on but he needs the reward that Gemini is about to give him.

The look that Fourth is giving Gemini makes Gemini's lust sky rocket. He has never wanted to ruin someone so badly until today. "Good boy." Gemini praises. "Now keep continue doing what you're doing."

Gemini starts to rock his hips slowly, pushing back and forth into Fourth's mouth. Gemini could feel how wet Fourth's mouth is getting, it's getting more addictive. Fourth is getting used to it, with Gemini's advice, he feels like he could take more of Gemini's length. The taste of his shaft makes him want more.

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