Chapter 6.

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Gemini wakes up from his bed and rubs his eyes. He know he didn't let Fourth sleep in the same bed as him, knowing that he'd take advantage of the situation. He takes a quick shower and get dressed. He grabs his bag and takes a look inside, the bloody sickle that he hid in the garden is safely in the bag. Gemini is lucky he took it when Fourth is asleep.

When Gemini heads down stairs, he sees Fourth still sleeping on the sofa. Gemini looks at the clock on his wrists with a lifted brow. He walks over to Fourth and pokes his shoulder. "Fourth. Wake up." Gemini calls out. The boy grunts and turns away from Gemini. "Fourth. If you don't wake up, you're going to be late for work." Gemini pokes Fourth's cheeks.

"I'm awake. I'm awake." Fourth grumbles and he turns to Gemini. When Fourth opens his eyes and all he could see is Gemini, he breaks into a smile. "I really miss waking up to you." Fourth opens up his arms. "Come here, let me snuggle you a little while."

"No. What time do you even start work anyway?" Gemini asks.

"I start at nine. What time do you have to start yours?" Fourth asks, folding his arms together, disappointed that Gemini refuses to give him any affection. However, it's not all bad considering that he wakes up to Gemini.

"Eight. I'm taking my leave now. I'll see you back home when I'm done." Gemini says as he walks towards the main door. "I might be a little late. I have to work both of my part time jobs today. So you don't have to wait up for me."

"Wait. So you really are letting me stay over with you?" Fourth leans up from the sofa, looking at Gemini leaving. The small grunt of approval from Gemini makes Fourth really happy. He's hoping that things can finally work out for the better now. "Wait, how do I contact you?"

Gemini points to the coffee table. "I left my new number there. You can reach me from that number. Call me only when there's an emergency. If not, then I'll see you at home." Gemini wave his good bye before leaving the house.

Fourth jumps out of the sofa ecstatic, he has no idea that it would be this easy to convince Gemini for him to sleep over at his place. He heads out to the garden, greeting all of Gemini's plants. "Good morning. I'll be your new father taking care of all of you when your first father is not around." He says as he looks at all of them.

Fourth heads up to the bathroom and takes a quick shower, dancing with gusto. It's been so long since he has felt this content. When he got out of the shower, he sees two toothbrushes in the cup. One of it has his name on it. He picks it up with a gleeful smile. He wouldn't have thought Gemini would give him a toothbrush, it made his day even better.

When the time comes for Fourth to head to the office, he couldn't wait for the day to end. He wanted to see Gemini again. He quickly take his seat for the morning meeting he has and he's the last to arrive.

Fourth's colleague, Win, notices how happy Fourth was but he decides to ask that question later. The whole time during the meeting, Win notices that Fourth wasn't paying attention to it and playing with his pen. He kicks Fourth's leg and gestures towards the presenter with his nose.

Fourth wakes up from his day dream and looks at Win, then at the presenter. It's another case regarding a murder at the market. There were tons of witness and they already have the suspect locked up. Fourth rolls his eyes, not knowing why he has to be in this meeting. When there are already witnesses, there is no need to call a detective in, the case is already solved.

When the meeting if over, Win walks up to Fourth. "So what has gotten you into a good mood today? Usually you'd be looking at the screen with your empty mind but now you're fiddling with your pen and smiling. Something must have happened last night when you ditch me in front of the restaurant."

When everyone has left the meeting room and it's only the two of them. Fourth smiles up to Win. "I found him." Fourth confesses with a wide grin. "I finally found him."

"No way. You mean you found the person who doesn't care about your feelings and ditch you to move into another town?" Win reacts sarcastically surprise.

"It's not like that. He has his reason to why he has to leave." Fourth answers.

"So what's the reason? Is it because she found someone else?" Win asks.

Fourth realizes that he never mentioned to Win that Gemini is actually a male. He is unsure if he should reveal it. "Nah. It's not. If that was the reason, there would be someone else in the house. He hasn't tell me the truth yet so I'd figured that wait until he's ready." Fourth answers honestly, he notices Win's small reaction when Fourth said 'he'. It was obvious that Win didn't take him seriously when he told Win about Gemini.

"Well, it better be worth it. I don't want to handle you when you're heartbroken even though I have never seen it. I don't think I would want to experience it as well. I just know it's going to be messy." Win answers. "Also, who's that guy?"

Fourth smiles. "I'm not saying it until I made him officially mine."

Gemini looks at the watch as he walks home. It is pretty late into the night despite ending early from work. He takes out his phone and looks through a list of people with their mugshot and their names, along with details of their crimes. He notices that one of them is walking towards him. Gemini acts as if he's just on his phone until the person walks past.

Gemini stops his tracks and turns around, following the person on his phone. He looks at his phone to correctly identify the person and read up on their profile. Judging from the way the person is walking, he is intoxicated. Gemini smiles to himself, it would be an easy job for him.

When the person walks into the park, Gemini starts to walk a little faster, emptying the space between them. Gemini takes a look at his surrounding and at the lamp lights, ensuring that there is nobody around and no cameras.

Gemini puts his hands inside his bag and approaches the man from behind. "Hey. You're the one who killed the little girl right?" Gemini asks in soft voice.

The man turn around, with eyes blood shot and face as red as a tomato. Gemini knew that he is obviously drunk. "Y-Yeah. S-So what? She d-din't want to listen to me w-when I brought h-her home. T-The police c-couldn't prove that it was me that drown h-her inside that bucket." The man answers drunkenly.

"That's more than enough for me to hear." Gemini grabs the handle in his bag and swiftly takes out the sickle in his bag. Gemini made a smooth and instantaneous motion, sliding the sickle through the man's neck.

Gemini quickly walks away from the scene, keeping the sickle back into his bag. The dead body lies in there in the middle of the park with the head rolling away from the body. Gemini smiles to himself as he quickly makes his way towards the nearest convenient store. He knew that sharpening the sickle that he hid in the garden at the flower shop was a good idea, it makes the motion of cutting flesh easier. He was just lucky that the owner didn't catch him sharpening his tool or he's going to be in a mess.

Gemini looks at himself, making sure that there are no blood stains that spilled onto him and he is clean as he walks closer to the convenient store. He bought some snacks and drinks and takes the receipt. He keeps it in his pocket if he needs an alibi. The park is by the same route he takes to walk home and he killed the man pretty deep inside the park, anyone who walks around the park wouldn't have been able to notice a dead body there, unless they enter it.

When he arrives home, he sees Fourth on his phone, sitting on his motorcycle with a small bag on his back. "Why didn't you wait inside?" Gemini asks.

Fourth got caught off guard and nearly dropped his phone. "I wanted to text you that I didn't have the key to your house but you said to only to text you in case of an emergency, so I didn't text." Fourth answers with a wide smile.

Gemini let out a sigh. "You could have just texted me, you know? You don't need to take it so literally. I'm off tomorrow, let's go out and get you a copy of the house key." Gemini suggests.

"But I'm still working tomorrow. I don't mind taking an off day tomorrow. It's been a while since we went on dates. To be specific, it's been three years since we went on dates." Fourth says, walking to Gemini's side and lightly bump onto the boy with his shoulder.

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