Chapter 22.

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"Hi, can I help you guys?" Fourth asks as they approach the group of people at their front door. Gemini prepares himself for what is to come. He is ready to fight when it is needed but when it comes to guns, he will probably be useless.

When the men turns around, both Gemini and Fourth are greeted with friendly smiles and familiar faces. "Fourth!" Sound yells out. "I thought you ran to some other place. We've been at your door for a couple of hours."

Fourth and Gemini removes their helmet. "How did you guys know I live here?"

"Well, we sort of use the database to check where you recently bought a house and this is where you are." Win answers.

"Why are you guys wet? Or damp. I can't tell but I know its somewhere in between." Por asks.

Gemini let out a soft smile. "Oh we went to the beach and played in the water without bringing any spare clothes." Gemini walks between them. "Let me just open the door so all of us can have a proper place to chat."

Fourth is reluctant to let them in but since Gemini has given the green light, he didn't object to it. When they entered the house, Fourth's colleague let out a whistle as they look around. Fourth knew it was suspicious that they were inspecting everything in the house.

"I'll go ahead and set up something for all of you." Gemini says as he heads into the kitchen. "Make yourself at home. Fourth you better entertain the guest."

When Fourth looks at Gemini and they met eyes. He knew that Gemini meant to be alert to what they were doing. Fourth already knew what they were doing and instead of entertaining his former colleagues, he went towards Gemini. Fourth leans in to Gemini's ear. "They're bugging our house. It's a little too obvious." Fourth says.

"Then just act normal and make sure we don't say anything that they can use against us after they go home." Gemini answers.

"Aww. Look at the both of you being all lovey dovey." Sound comments. "Gemini, it's cool. You don't have to make us a meal. We're just here to visit and nothing much." Sound turns his attention to Fourth. "Fourth just got up and left before we could even ask him about what happened."

"It's not my fault. They fired me. They even want to put me in jail with the lack of evidence." Fourth answers as he walks towards the living room, joining all of colleagues. Gemini opens up his ear and listen in to their conversation.

"Yeah. You tried shooting one bullet as he ran away after killing Aun. Aun got slit on the throat and they didn't find any knife or sharp on you. You chased after him and he just disappeared out of thin air. They updated us on the story." Yo replies. "But you didn't have to run away. It just made you more guilty though."

"It's just that since I got fired, there's nothing left for me to do to stay there. Gemini always wanted a house near the beach and so we bought one. Also look at the backyard. It's filled with Gemini's plants. So, it sort of works out." Fourth answers.

"What actually happened?" Sound asks.

"I don't know. As I said, by the time I arrived, I saw him running the corner. I took out my gun and shot at him but missed, obviously. When I saw Aun on the floor with the pool of blood. I knew he was dead." Fourth answers. "If you guys are here on your job to interrogate me, then that's really low. I thought you guys were my friends. Shouldn't you believe me instead?"

"I mean we do. We know you couldn't even handle Aun by yourself but..." Sound replies.

"Excuse me?" Fourth interjects.

"Come on." Yo joins in.

Fourth takes a deep breath. He remembers clearly that during that time, he can shoot Aun in the head if he want to. However, he knows that this is just part of a friendly interrogation. He needs to choose his words wisely. "Well. I mean that's true. He has more skills than I do and I can barely beat Gemini when we're wrestling." Fourth answers, letting out a small laugh.

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