Chapter 18.

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"Promise me you'll let me kill them." Gemini combs Fourth's hair with his fingers as he is about to leave for work. He has never thought weeks would have passed by this quickly that Fourth's is finally doing the mission that he has been assigned.

"I will try my best. If the criminal that I am assigned to is someone easy then I'll pretend I didn't notice and I'll let you go in for the kill once he turn the corner." Fourth answers.

"You said you'd let me do it one last time." Gemini answers.

Fourth let out a sigh. He puts out his pinky finger and holds it in front of Gemini. "Fine. Promise me this will be your last kill."

Gemini locks his pinky with Fourth. "I promise. This will be my last kill. I've been addicted to something else anyway. It even makes a wonderful noise."

Fourth could help but blush as a smile creeps up his face. He knows for the past few weeks, Gemini has been wrecking him every single night after he comes home from work. There isn't an inch of place in this house that is untouched by their sin.

"I'll send you my live location. Just wait nearby. Don't do anything unless I tell you to." Fourth instructs. "I don't want you to be caught. What's worse is the both of us could be caught. Then it will be a bigger issue."

Gemini nods with a wide smile on his face. He pats Fourth's head. "Thank you. I will keep my promise to you if you keep your promise to me."

Fourth let out a sigh. "The things I do for you are sometimes beyond me."

"But I know you can do it." Gemini answers. "Anyway, you should go now or you'll be late. Ride safely."

Fourth nods and heads off to his bike. Fourth waves goodbye to Gemini before leaving the house. He don't know how he's going to pull it off but he has to. He has to do it for Gemini. There is no one else more important than him.

When Fourth enters his workplace and into the meeting room, everyone is already equip with their gears. Fourth feels left out and he didn't know if he missed the meeting or he is left out with the information. "Why is everyone already geared up?" Fourth asks.

Sound looks at him confused. "Wait. Did you not read the text to get ready before going into the meeting? We're going straight to the plan after the meeting. Boss says its best to do it straight after it so everything is still fresh in the head."

Fourth scratches his head. "Yeah. I might have not read the text, but I'll get ready after this meeting." Fourth says as he sits in the meeting room. Once again, Aun appears before everyone in the meeting room.

Aun takes a good look around the room and sees Fourth without his gears. "Apparently, someone didn't read their text before coming to this meeting. It's a shame that we have this kind of standard in this district." Fourth sinks into his seat, embarrassed.

"I have already partnered each of you with different criminals as they roam the streets. You do not have to worry about them running away. Each of them have been tagged by the ankle and it will automatically notify you if your criminal tries to escape." Aun answers.

"I will be playing part of the criminal and you," Aun points at Fourth. "You will be the investigator partnered to me. I've already spread around that I'm the most dangerous one out there and I've heard about your achievements here. I believe we'll be able to catch them if he or she is coming after me."

Fourth immediately feels the fear building up in his throat. He is the last person Fourth would expect to be playing the part of the criminal and if anything happens to Aun, he knows that it will be Fourth's head on the line. "S-Sure."

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