Chapter 16.

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Fourth didn't know why there was an urgent meeting when he's working but he knows that it must be something serious because everyone must be present for it. When he sits beside Win, he realizes that there are more people than expected. He knows that this is some big criminal that they would want to catch with this team.

"What's going on?" Win leans in to Fourth and whispers.

"I don't know but I've never seen this many people before. Whoever this is, it must be someone big." Fourth answers back.

Suddenly, the lights are turned off and a man walks in. "Hello, everyone. My name is Aun." He presses a small remote on his hands, turning on the visualizer. "I have assembled this small team because of one criminal that we couldn't catch for years. He deals with his victim quick and smooth that leaves no traces of evidence behind."

Fourth's heart drop when he hears those words. He knows who he's talking about and he didn't expect them to make a small team for finding Gemini. Another clicks of Aun's button, it shows pictures of the dead bodies that Gemini has killed. All of it from his hometown and the town that he's currently living in.

"These are what he does. He decapitates the victim quickly with an unknown weapon. The weapon should be big and sharp to cut someone's head off so cleanly. There has been no evidence left, not even a foot print but we do know that he's targeting criminals that are pending for court or have been released from the court due to the lack of evidence."

Fourth didn't know how to react. He has never felt so much worry and panic for Gemini but he knows he has to keep his cool. He hasn't heard anything about the plan yet. When he does, he will warn Gemini and is willing to run away with him if need be.

"The plan is to lure him out. We will let out a couple of criminals out and bait him to them. We will each have a criminal to follow and will alert each other once the killer has appears." Aun continues his presentation.

Sound raises up his hand. "How and why are you letting the criminal out of prison? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of this job? We are here to make sure they are being punished for their wrongdoing."

"That is why one of us will be attached to them from a distance. If they plan to do anything stupid, we will step in and warn them. We will put their name and faces on the news, that way the killer will definitely see who they are and will want to come for them." Aun answers.

Fourth tries his best not to let his jaw drop. It is as if Aun has read Gemini's killing personality. He knows how Gemini operates and how he's going to do it but with that kind of bait, Fourth knows that Gemini will definitely fall for it. Fourth raises his hand. "Isn't it still too risky though?"  Fourth asks.

"Aren't you all train in such things? You should know how to handle this kind of situation. Please do not worry and trust my plan." Aun answers. "This will conclude the meeting. There will be a follow up meeting in the next couple of days to discuss the plan. Please refrain yourself from taking any off days or leave in the meantime."

Aun says his goodbyes and leave the meeting room. Fourth and his colleagues look at each other, confused. Fourth do not know who he is. "Who is he anyway?" Fourth asks.

"He's the assistant president of this sector. How can you not know him after working here for so long?" Por answers.

Fourth scratches his head. "I'm hardly in the office so I'm not sure. I see new faces every day."

Sound let out a sigh. "Looks like we will out of duty for our other investigations. But I guess it will be one less murderer in the world. So, I guess that is fine. I just didn't expect them to use real people as bait. It makes me feel like I'm the villain."

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