Chapter 12.

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Fourth wakes up to a bright room. It's painted white and he realizes that he's not back at Gemini's place. The last thing he remembered before passing out was Gemini reaching out to him as he was about to fall. He didn't know if it was the pain from the stab of the knife or losing blood but he knows that it would require more blood loss to cause him to faint.

He looks around and sees a familiar face but not one that would make his heart jump. It is his colleague, Win. He is sleeping on the chair with his head on the bed. He got out of the bed, waking up the sleeping visitor.

"Fourth! You're awake!" He stands up. He is confused when he sees Fourth trying to get out of the room as quickly as he can. "Where are you going? You need to rest or the wound is going to open up again."

"I need to find Gemini. Where is he? Do you know where is he?" Fourth starts to panic, he don't know if Gemini has left him here to heal while he takes the opportunity to leave.

Win quickly runs towards the door, blocking it from Fourth leaving. "Fourth. You're not at the right state of mind right now. You need to rest. I don't know what have gotten into you but you need to rest."

Fourth grabs Win's collar, lifting him up from the ground. "Gemini. Where is he?!" Fourth asks, threateningly.

Win has never seen Fourth this angry before. "W-Who is Gemini? I d-don't even know who that is!"

"He's the guy that I told you about. I found him! We were at his place!" Fourth yells out, slamming him to the door. "How did you know I was here if he didn't tell you?"

Win grabs onto Fourth's wrist. "The doctor called me. He called our boss as well. You'll be off duty until further notice. You need your time to heal. The doctor said you came in with someone else but other than that I don't know. The room was already empty when I got here."

Fourth let go of Win's collar and falls to his knee. He could feel a sharp pain from his belly. He looks down to see blood staining his shirt. Win immediately pulls him back up to his feet, dragging him to the bed.

"I'll go find a nurse or a doctor for you. If I knew you were this crazy, I wouldn't have come." Win grunts. "But whatever, just stay there and rest. I'll find someone to check that wound up for you. It probably reopen because of you moving around."

Fourth sits in the bed, silent. He is defeated. He didn't know that Gemini would have just left him like that. He wouldn't mind being killed if he knew that Gemini is going to leave him for good this time. Now, Fourth is left with no clue on how to find Gemini. All Gemini gave him was that he was moving to another town.

He don't even know that Gemini would give him his last good gesture of patching him up at the hospital. Fourth could feel the despair and depression enveloping him like a sheet. He could not help but let tears roll down his face, looking at his own hands. Fourth wonders what he could do better to make Gemini stay.

When he hears the door opening up, he figured that Win and a doctor have arrived. It would be embarrassing for them to see Fourth cry. He wipes his tears and lifts his head up. He was ready to be questioned by Win about what happen.

"Why are you crying?"

A wide smile appears on Fourth's face when he hears the sweet voice. "Gemini!" he screams in joy. He didn't care who could hear him. Gemini is surprised that Fourth yells out his name. He didn't know what happened to Fourth. When Fourth jumps out of bed, running towards him, Gemini notices the big blood stain on his shirt.

Fourth embraces Gemini, burying his face into Gemini's shoulder. "I thought you ran off. You have no idea how happy I am to see you."

"I just went out to buy some food." Gemini shows the plastic bags in his hand. "It took me a little while because I remembered you like this bottled drink. I had to walk a little further to find it." Gemini pushes Fourth back. "And why is your wound opened?"

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