Chapter 15.

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The night was spent with small conversations and beers for Gemini. However, he manages to dig up the information about the people that are left on his list. From what Gemini has gathered, all of them have either thrown into prison or went missing. It leaves Gemini with nothing.

Gemini would have never thought that his list would be done. He needs a new one. Something that could help him accomplish the things that he has been doing secretly. Despite Fourth attempt to stop him, Fourth couldn't do anything but get the people into prison before Gemini could strike first and Gemini knew this very well.

He wouldn't have thought that he would have woken up early in the morning. He looks at the empty bed, realizing that he headed up stairs when everyone else are dead drunk in the living room.

He rubs his eyes and heads downstairs to see Fourth sleeping on the sofa while the others are on the floor. Gemini shakes his head and starts cleaning up the trash. He has nothing to look forward to since everything he does has been done.

Fourth grunts as he turns on the sofa. Fourth opens his eyes a little and sees Gemini cleaning up the room. He pushes himself up and rubs his eyes. "I'll help you." Fourth offers.

"It's alright. Just continue to sleep. Your friends are over and you should enjoy as much as them." Gemini replies. Fourth silently walk over his friends and to Gemini, helping him pick up the empty bottles and putting them into a bag. "I told you it's fine."

"And I told you that I'll help." Fourth argues.

"You're still that stubborn boy."  Gemini comments as he walks towards the kitchen. He turns on the tap and starts washing the dishes.

Fourth walks over to Gemini and puts his arms around Gemini's waist and rests his chin on Gemini's shoulder as he watches Gemini do the dishes. "I could call you stubborn too. You didn't want my help."

Fourth starts pecking kisses onto Gemini's neck. "Fourth, your friends are here. What if they see us like this? Wouldn't you be embarrassed?" Gemini asks.

"They're all dead drunk and trust me, when they're dead drunk like this, they won't wake up until noon. Also, why are you awake so early?" Fourth asks.

"I'm worried about you and your wound. Also, I've been thinking about the people that are on my list. I've left with no one. I don't know what to do now." Gemini answers.

Fourth notices that Gemini's hands stopped moving. Fourth embraces Gemini tighter. "It's fine. Now that you have more free time, we could spend more time together. Maybe do the things we said when we were back in college. We'll head up to Japan and see Mount Fuji."

"It's not about that anymore. I just feel like my purpose is gone." Gemini answers solemnly.

"Well, there's another purpose here for you." Fourth says as his hands slowly reaches down and slides into Gemini's pants. "It might not be something you want but treat it as a distraction until you find something." Fourth cups Gemini's privates in palm, he could feel the warmness of it and could feel his own shaft growing.

"If you're going to tell me that I better do as what you say during this situation, trust me. I won't. I'll make sure you start begging until you want me to stop." Gemini replies, turning his head to look at Fourth who has a cheeky smile on his face.

"I don't believe you can." Fourth challenges him, massaging Gemini's privates in his palm. He could feel Gemini's shaft growing and Fourth knew it is just a matter of time until he couldn't cup his privates anymore.

"I'll do it in front of your friends if you want it so much. Or is that something you want me to do? Is that the kind of kink you have?" Gemini asks.

"I believe the only reason why I allow you to have me is because I let you. Now it's time for me to have yours." Fourth pecks a kiss onto Gemini's neck.

Gemini releases the dishes and turns around. Fourth's hand is now having a firm grip on one of Gemini's bottom cheek. "What makes you think I will allow you to?" Gemini asks.

Fourth's keep silent as he stares into Gemini's eyes, squeezing Gemini's cheek. He has never felt anything so soft. He could not get his hands off it. "That's soft." Fourth comments. He squeezes it a couple more times.

Gemini leans in, tilting Fourth's chin up with his finger. "Do you like it?" Gemini asks. Fourth nods as he feels hypnotized by the sensation of Gemini's cheek on his palm. He would have never thought he would get a handful of it. Gemini pecks kisses onto Fourth's jaw. "Good. If you didn't, I'd say that you're lying when you say that you like all of me."

Gemini notices that Fourth is at a loss of words. "Lost your words just because you got a firm grip? This doesn't happen when you're holding onto my stick." Gemini teases.

"I-I –" Fourth stutters but before he could say the words in his brain, one of the phones in the living room starts ringing loudly and Fourth quickly pulls his hand out of Gemini's pants. The two boys look towards the sound then at each other, knowing that their fun will have to stop.

"Why not we continue this later?" Gemini says as he walks towards the living room with Fourth following behind closely. He looks at his own hand then at Gemini's bottom. He couldn't believe that he manages to squeeze it.

Before Gemini could figure out who's phone is ringing,  Win groans as he grabs the phone groggily. "Hello?" He answers. The two boys looks at Win as he shoot up from the floor. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry. I'll be right over now." Win answers as he puts down the phone.

Win turns to see Gemini and Fourth who is awake. "Who's that?" Fourth asks.

"Our boss. I forgot that I'm the only one working today." Win looks at the others who is still knocked out and lets out a loud angry groan. "It's not fair that they manage to get the day off. I'm sorry but I really have to go now."

Fourth leads him towards the door but Gemini quickly grabs a leftover from the fridge and passes it to him before he could leave the house. "This is for you. It's left over from last night. You can heat it  up in the microwave and eat it."

Win smiles and takes it from Gemini. "Thank you!" Win turns to Fourth. "You better not breakup with him or I'll kill you. He fed us and gave us alcohol. I'll slap you if you look at anyone else." Win says before running out of the house.

Fourth laughs as he closes the door and Gemini shakes his head. "Your friends have no filter when it comes to their words." Gemini comments, looking at the rest of Fourth's friends at the living room. "By the way, will you tell me if there's any criminal I am able to get my hands on?" Gemini asks loud enough for Fourth ear's but not his friends in case they are awake.

"I will try. Don't worry but I don't think you should be doing that anymore. Look at you. It's been a few weeks since you killed anyone. Back then it would be a weekly thing." Fourth answers. "I know you feel like it brings you feelings that I can't imagine but I feel like you need something else, like a hobby. I'll gladly help you with that."

"You're not understanding me. The only reason I stayed is because you said you will help me do the things I want to do. Now, every time there's a new criminal out there, you're the first one to take them to prison. That leaves me with nothing. I know what you're doing Fourth and I don't appreciate it." Gemini argues.

Fourth grabs onto Gemini's shoulder, looking at him in the eye. "I know what I do might be bad in your eyes but trust me, I'm helping you. I don't want you to end up in prison if they manage to catch you. I won't be able to forgive myself for not being able to help you sooner than I wanted to."

Gemini knows that whatever Fourth is saying makes sense. "But it feels like you're taking away my choices by doing that. Don't you think I should have a say in this?"

"What is there to say?" Fourth asks. "Look into my eyes and tell me that whatever you're doing is not risky enough that it will cost you your life. It doesn't matter death or prison. I'm trying to help you, Gem."

Gemini could not help himself but feel weak when Fourth calls him that. When Gemini sees the determination and seriousness in his eyes, he knows he can't say that it didn't at least cost him his life. "If that's the case, I will try but I cannot promise. For now, there is only one thing that can distract me."

"What is it?" Fourth asks, curious.

Gemini grabs Fourth by the privates, cupping them tightly, causing Fourth to let out a hitch of breath. Gemini enjoys those small reactions from Fourth. "This and you. You better give me what I want when I need it."

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