Chapter 11.

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Fourth wakes up, slowly opening his eyes. He's used to Gemini's sleeping pattern that his body would usually wakes up before he leaves for work. He looks to his side, seeing Gemini sleeping soundly with his hand on his chest.

He remembered everything in detail last night, how they snuggle on the sofa after their session and how Gemini tantalizingly touches his body, feeling every inch of his skin. Fourth figured it would be a good time to make breakfast for the boy by picking out some fresh ingredients from his garden.

Fourth slowly and carefully slides out of Gemini's arm. He grabs his pants and shirt, putting it back on before standing by the sofa, looking at the sight of the sleeping naked Gemini. He pecks a kiss on Gemini's forehead before leaving the living room and into the backyard.

Fourth looks at all of Gemini's plants. They're all fruiting which is perfect for his situation right now. He examines each and every single plant, looking for which ones to pluck. When he looks at the ground, he realizes that one of the plants looks like it was dug up a while ago.

Fourth reaches down, digging into the ground with his hand and stops until he hits something hard with his fingers. Fourth's curiosity got bigger and bigger. He dusts off the soil and picks up the object that looks like a handle. When it pulls it out, he realizes it was bigger than he was expecting.

Fourth examines the tool and realizes it was a sickle. He looks at the blade and he could see blood stains on it. Fourth looks confuse. He didn't know what Gemini could possibly use the sickle for. Then a spark erupts from his brain. The sickle is large enough to cover slightly more than the neck and from the looks of it, it looks sharp enough that if you drop a paper on the blade, it would slice it apart.

He realizes that the sickle is large and sharp enough to cut off someone's neck easily. He has been searching for the criminal who did this and the last thing he would expect was that it would be someone that he just slept with.

Fourth couldn't remember what happen next. All he knows that he was hit at the back of the head with a strong force that he got knocked out and everything went pitch black.

When Fourth opens up his eyes with the throbbing pain at the back of his head, he sees his hands got tied up with a belt. When he looks at his feet, his ankles were done the same. He looks around and sees a familiar luggage.

"I didn't expect you to find that so quickly." Gemini says as he walks down the stairs, fully dressed and a knife in his hand. "I honestly wanted this to work but you just got to be nosy and dig that thing up."

"What are you doing, Gem? Let me go right now. I know we can talk things out." Fourth negotiates with Gemini. He didn't want Gemini to leave him once again. It was a loss that he couldn't handle. He didn't care about anything other than that. "You don't have to leave."

"I wouldn't if you didn't find that sickle." Gemini answers, slowly walking towards Fourth. He puts the tip of the knife underneath Fourth's chin, lifting it up till their eyes meet. "Are you shock that I am the one murdering all of those people?"

Fourth eyes widen. "Y-Yes b-but that's not what I want to talk about! I see that luggage and you fully dressed. I know you're leaving again. Please don't leave. I don't want you to leave! I'll do anything. I just want you to stay. I won't tell anyone! I promise, Gem. Please."

Gemini looks into Fourth's eyes. He could see the desperation oozing out of it. Gemini walks away and takes a seat on the coffee table, looking at Fourth. "You're kidding right? A serial killer and a detective? For all I know you could stab me in the back and ask me to repent for my sins. I know how this is going to end and trust me. I won't stop. There are worse criminals out there."

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