Chapter 14.

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Gemini helps Fourth as he limps into the house. The pain from his stomach hurts more ever since Gemini's little gift to him from under the blanket. Fourth throws himself onto the sofa, letting out a grunt. "The next time I ended up in the hospital, please don't do that again. The wound opened up and the doctor stitched it back up a little too tightly for my liking."

Gemini lets out a small laugh. "If I remember correctly, you enjoyed it. I think it was worth the pain. For me at least."

"Because you're not the one with the stitches!" Fourth argues. Fourth let out a long sigh. "Anyway, i forgot to tell you this but my colleagues are coming over. They can't visit me when I was in the hospital because of work, so they said that they would be here in the evening."

"So, your colleagues are coming over to my house without my permission?" Gemini asks with a lifted brow. Gemini walks over to the sofa and sits next to Fourth. "Have you forgotten the words you said? You said that you'd promise to help me out with those murders."

"I mean think of it this way, with them here, you'll be able to dig up intel on those people you target. Also, it'd be a good way for you to meet my friends. I've been telling them a lot about you." Fourth answers. Fourth could see Gemini rolls his eyes. "Please, Gem. I meant what I said, I'll help you out. I just need some time. At least let me recover first."

"I knew I should have left and done it all on my own." Gemini replies.

"Don't be like that." Fourth puts his hands on Gemini's nape and starts massaging it lightly. "Even you know with your small list of targets, you can only rely on me to help you out."

Gemini didn't want to admit it but it's true. He's having a hard time finding out the remaining people on his list. "You make it sound like i need you."

"In way, you do. I'm your only option left. If you want me to help you, you got to listen to what I say. Deal?" Fourth leans in, pressing his forehead lightly onto Gemini's shoulder. He don't know any other way to consult the sulking boy.

"Deal. Just make sure it doesn't drag on too long. Just make sure you heal up properly or I'll leave for real this time." Gemini answers, patting Fourth's head. He didn't expect Fourth to be this affectionate and Gemini couldn't deny that he enjoys Fourth's attention.

Fourth smiles up. "So, I take it as my colleagues can come over?"

Gemini nods and looks away. "I'll go get dinner ready. How many of them are coming over?"

"Not quite sure." Fourth answers. "Wait, before you make dinner, make sure to clean up your sickle and put it back in the garden. They wouldn't expect a sickle to be used as a weapon. I didn't even know it was a weapon until I saw the blood all over it."

"I did that long ago. It's been a while since i killed someone thanks to you." Gemini rolls his eyes. "Then I'll just cook everything I have. We can eat it tomorrow if there's still a lot left."

"I'm fine with anything. Whatever you cook is always good."

It didn't take long for Fourth's colleagues to come over. Gemini walks over to the door with the doorbell and opens it up. Gemini didn't expect so many people to be coming over however he did see one familiar face, Win.

"Hey! Is Fourth here?" One of them asks.

"Yes he is. That's his boyfriend." Win answers, making his way through the group. "Hey, sorry to come over unannounced. I thought Fourth would be the one answering the door. If he's not here, we could go."

"It's fine. He's inside watching television. I'm cooking dinner for all of us. Please come in." Gemini steps aside, letting all of Fourth's colleagues into his house. Despite feeling uncomfortable, he does it for Fourth. He has never had any guest over until Fourth started living with him. It was only the both of them.

"So, you must be the one Fourth has been talking about." One of them comments. "He didn't update me on the situation that the both of you are in. I didn't expect you to be accepting someone like him. Oh, I'm Sound by the way."

"Well, he is very persistent." Gemini comments.

"I know right?" Sound answers, getting small laugh from Gemini.

"Hey! All of you are here. I didn't expect everyone to come over." Fourth yells over from the living room.

Gemini closes the door and heads back to the kitchen, continuing his work. He makes sure his ears are peeled for their conversation while cooking. "Arent you going to disturb him while he's cooking again?" Win asks as he sits next to Fourth.

Everyone laughs and Gemini could not help himself and a smile creep onto his face. He didn't expect that comment from his friends. He would have never thought that Fourth would have these many friends and he definitely didn't expect them to be this close to make those kind of comments.

When he finished cooking, Gemini separates the dish into individual plate, eye balling it to ensure that all of them get the same serving. He carries the tray and walks over to the living room.

Fourth's colleague's eyes widen when they see Gemini walking towards them. All of them stood up, each asking how they could be of help. Sound looks at Fourth. "I can't believe you're not even bothering to help."

Gemini puts the tray on the coffee table. "It's fine. He has to stitch his wound again because of me. So, I rather have him sit down and make sure he heals properly than to move around and open up the wound."

Fourth bites his lower lip, remembering clearly how Gemini works his mouth that his wound opens up. "Yeah. So this is his punishment." Fourth boast out.

"You don't have to go through all that trouble next time. We're just here to visit you, not to get food from you." Win says. Gemini could see that Win feels guilty.

"Don't think too much about it. You're my guest and I'm your host." Gemini looks at Fourth. "However, now Fourth will be the one hosting. I have work tomorrow. I'll be heading up to bed first if you guys don't mind. There's beer in the fridge and you can stay as long as you want."

Fourth stands up from the sofa. "Can't you take a sick day? Please? I need you to take care of me."

"The grandma at the flower shop needs my help, Fourth." Gemini answers back as Fourth walks closer to Gemini.

Fourth puts his hands around Gemini's waist and pulls him in close. "Tell her you need to take care of your boyfriend who just got out of the hospital. It's just for tonight. I promise." Fourth leans into Gemini's ear. "I'll try to probe them about the other people that you're targeting."

Gemini looks at Fourth then at all of his friends that has surprise painted all over their face.
"Fine. But you owe me a big one for this." Gemini answers.

Fourth grins before leaning into Gemini ear once more. "I thought you said that you'll do whatever I say? This is just the beginning."

Gemini knew that Fourth has all kinds of idea filling up his head but he decides to shrug it off. "I'll go get the beers." Gemini sighs, defeated. Fourth pecks a kiss on Gemini's cheek, mouthing 'Thank you' to him.

"You are lucky that your boyfriend loves you. If I were him, I'd be throwing you back into he hospital." Mark comments. "I'm sorry he's such a pain in the ass. We'll try to make it as bearable as possible."

"I wish my girlfriend love me that much." Yo says out his thoughts.

"Aren't ya'll a little jealous that I got the perfect boyfriend right here. Now you guys know why that there's only one person for me." Fourth answers, looking at all of them while his hands are still around Gemini's waist.

"Did you have them over just so you can gloat to your friends about me?" Gemini asks with a lifted brow. Fourth knew that Gemini didn't like to show affection in public but Fourth is very handsy in front of his friends.

"No."  Fourth answers.

"Yes." All of Fourth's colleagues answers.

Gemini shakes his head and tickles under Fourth's chin. "Be a good boy and let me get the beers for your friends." Gemini leans in to Fourth's ear. "This night better be worth it or I'll kill you in your sleep."

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