Chapter 8.

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Fourth is forced to wake up by the sound of the alarm. He grunts and rolls on the sofa, reaching for his phone. He didn't know that he' set the alarm so early. When he looks at his phone, it wasn't the one with the alarm. He pushes himself up and realizes that it was Gemini's.

He grabs Gemini's phone and puts it on snooze. He couldn't unlock Gemini's phone to turn off the alarm. He lets out a big yawn before pushing himself up from the sofa. He drags his feet up the stairs and into Gemini's room.

Fourth's grogginess immediately disappears when he sees the sight in front of him. Gemini looks adorable in his tank top with his arms above his head and his mouth slightly open. The duvet only manages to barely cover his lower half and the bottom of his shirt is lifted up, exposing his belly for Fourth to see.

Fourth wanted to do so many things to Gemini but puts all of that thought back into storage. He takes out his phone and snaps a picture, smiling to himself. It's been a while since he has a picture of Gemini where he's not prepared for it.

Fourth sits on the side of the bed, looking at Gemini's face. He pushes the hair away from Gemini's face with his fingers, admiring how adorable he looks when he's asleep. "Gem..." Fourth calls out. He didn't know if he's doing the right thing to call out his name like that but it seems to roll off his tongue. "Gem. Wake up." Fourth calls out softly.

Gemini didn't react but continues to sleep. Fourth puts his hands on Gemini's cheek, stroking his face with his thumb. "Gem, wake up. Don't you have work to go to?" Fourth smiles to himself, indulging himself in touching the other boy.

Gemini grumbles but slowly opens up his eyes. When he sees Fourth sitting on his bed, stroking his cheek, Gemini couldn't help but crack a smile. "What do you want?" Gemini asks in the sleepiest voice that Fourth has ever heard.

"You left your phone down stairs and your alarm went off. I thought I should wake you up in case you're working." Fourth explains, putting the phone in Gemini's hands that are still above his head. Gemini is still too sleepy to move his body.

Gemini grumbles. "I work in the afternoon. I'm working at the flower shop for a few hours today." Gemini tosses to the side, hugging his pillow. "Wake me up in another few more hours."

"You're making me jealous of that pillow. Why don't you hug me to sleep instead?" Fourth comments, feeling a little jealous of the pillow. He wants Gemini to embrace him tightly like that.

Gemini turns his head, looking at Fourth, then grins. Gemini embraces his pillow tighter and buries his face in it. Gemini inhales the pillow, making sure Fourth could hear it. Gemini wants to see Fourth getting jealous of something that isn't alive. It's been a long time he has seen Fourth jealous.

Fourth grabs onto Gemini's shoulder, shaking him. "Gem, come on. That pillow is not something you should hug. It's something to sleep on. I am something you should hug. I'm right here." Gemini didn't seem to be letting go of the pillow. Gemini didn't know how to react with the new name that Fourth called. It sounds short and sweet to his ear and he wanted to hear more.

Fourth grumbles as Gemini didn't give him any attention. "Fine. If you want it to be that way, I'll be hugging you then." Fourth climbs into the bed and wraps his arms around Gemini. Fourth pulls the duvet over the both of them. "There now we can take a longer sleep together."

Gemini turns to look at Fourth with a wide smile. "Your skin is really thick to be coming onto my bed."

"You know me well enough. That's good." Fourth grabs onto the pillow that Gemini is hugging and throws it away. "There, now there's nothing distracting you from me. It'll just going to be the two of us in bed."

Gemini turns towards Fourth, looking at him in the eyes. He could see that Fourth is surprise that he would give in to Fourth. "Turn around. I'd rather be the big spoon." Gemini instructs. Fourth did as Gemini tells him to. Gemini wraps his arms around Gemini, putting his hand on Fourth's belly. "So when did you start calling me, Gem?"

Fourth could feel Gemini's hot breath on his nape and the way Gemini wraps his hands around him makes him feel a little trapped but he loved it. "I don't know. It just came out of my mouth when I tried waking you up."

Gemini pulls Fourth in closer to him. "Don't get used to this. You're the one who insisted in sleeping with me so you're going to be my pillow for now." Gemini whispers into the back of Fourth's neck. Gemini wants to kiss his nape so badly and feel the taste of Fourth's skin on his lips but it wouldn't be a good idea.

Fourth could feel his back against Gemini's body and it is sending the blood to the wrong direction. He could feel his boxers making a tent but he didn't want to make it obvious. "I'll take time off from work just to sleep in with you. It's not every day you give me this kind of attention." Fourth says, putting his hand over Gemini's.

"What about this kind?" Gemini gives in to his inner desire, kissing Fourth's nape. Gemini licks his lips, even if the taste of Fourth's skin is faint, he has the sudden urge to taste put his lips onto it again but he has to hold back.

"That's the kind that is going to get both of us lesser sleep and skip work." Fourth answers. Gemini's kiss on his nape didn't help his situation in his pants. He don't know how much longer he could keep it cool.

Gemini lets out a laugh. "Fine. I'll take every minute of sleep I can get. Good night, Fourth." Gemini says before burying his face on the back of Fourth's neck. Gemini is partially satisfied with this, breathing in Fourth's morning skin since he couldn't do any more than this. Fourth knows that he wouldn't be able to get any sleep with the way Gemini is holding him and how his breath is on his skin. He's been longing for this kind of intimacy but his shaft has other ideas.

Fourth forces his eyes close and thinks of things that could distract him but with each hot breath that Gemini exhales onto his skin, it's making it harder and harder. All he knows is that he probably will have a long shower before work. He needs to give himself a little attention between his legs after having Gemini this close to him.

"Thanks for dropping me off. Are you sure it's okay for you to take time off from work just to sleep in?" Gemini asks as he takes off his helmet. He looks at Fourth on his bike and he forgot how good Fourth looks on a bike.

"It's fine. There's nothing going on today. If there is, they'd be calling my phone." Fourth looks at the flower shop behind him. "I'll fetch you when you're done. Then how about we eat hotpot again? I've been craving for it."

"We will see if there's anything on sale first. It's pretty pricey if it's not on sale." Gemini answers, handing over the helmet.

"Keep it. You'll need it again when I fetch you. And the ingredients are my treat. It's been a month since we ate hotpot together. But then again, everything is delicious when it's with you." Fourth winks at Gemini, letting out a small laugh.

Gemini rolls his eyes. "Hurry up and get to work. I'll wait for you here when I'm done."

Fourth nods and waves good bye as he rides off. When Fourth is gone from his sight, Gemini looks inside his bag. The most important thing he forgot to bring to work is his sickle. He hasn't cleaned it since the last person he murdered.

Gemini smiles to himself, knowing how good having Fourth around is. Fourth is like an indestructible shield he can hide behind from any questions from the police force. After the time he got questioned, the next time he did it, he wasn't even approached by them when Fourth is with him.

Gemini unlocks his phone and scrolls through the list of mugshot. He wonders to himself if he could increase the pace of his killing spree. However, it would be hard if Fourth offers to fetch him to and back from work. He'll have to wait till Fourth ends his work late and he could ask to go home early from work to continue his deed.

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