Chapter 4.

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Fourth scrolls through his computer, looking at all of the pictures of decapitated victims. He squints his eyes as he tries to find any sort of small evidence that he is missing but nothing appeared. He leans back onto his chair and stretches his arm to the ceiling. He is tired from all the work that he doing.

"Hey, you're still not going home yet?" A colleague approaches Fourth.

"Not yet, Win. I'm still looking at this case. It scares me at how good this person is. Not a single evidence is left behind." Fourth says as he looks at the screen, his mind is still occupied with who is the serial killer.

Win turns Fourth's monitor and looks at the screen. "You're still on this case? It's been over three years, Fourth. Nobody has been able to solve this case. And if its giving you problems, the best detective in town, then I doubt anyone is able to solve this case." Win comments.

"Ha. Nice try but flattery brings you nowhere, Win. Only food will." Fourth jokes.

"Hey, it's not flattery if it's the truth. When you first came in about three years ago, you were the first to solve a couple of murder cases that some of your seniors have problems with. Even I, your senior, still have issues with some cases that you consider easy." Win admits.

"I guess my study from psychology did help me a little when it comes to some detective work. So are you still up for dinner? Your treat to a dearly beloved junior." Fourth jests.

Win rolls his eyes. "Fine. I'm driving by the way. Let's just go to the bar where we would usually hang out. Be at the carpark entrance in ten minutes." Win says as he walks away from Fourth. Fourth turns off his computer and heads out of his office.

He did as what Win instructed and waits at the entrance. The two had their dinner at the usual place, talking about work and their cases. Win is one of Fourth's mentor when he first entered the force and he clicked with Win more than the other mentors. It made his work in the office a little bearable with Win around.

When the two exit the restaurant, Win looks at his watch. "It's already late, it's eight. Do you want me to send you off or are you going to walk home yourself?" Win asks. "You do like time to yourself as per usual."

Fourth scratches his head. "You can't blame me. Being alone does feels nice sometimes."

"Don't lie to me. I know you're still thinking of your college crush and you got to get over him. It's been three years, Fourth. When are you going to get over him?" Win asks.

"To be honest with you, Win. The only reason why I came to this town is to find him. He told me he got a job in the next town over. When the force offers me a job here, I instantly took it because I know I'll be able to find him here." Fourth replies.

"I know, you told me this before. But you've been looking for him for three years and you're in the same town as him. If you don't see him then, you probably won't see him now. For all you know, he might lie to you about getting a job in the next town, which is here, and might be somewhere further away." Win tells Fourth, frankly.

Fourth looks down to his feet. "I guess you're right."

"How about this, I'll introduce you to some people next week. Consider it a blind date." Win offers.

"I'll let you know about it." Fourth answers.

"Anyway, we better head home we have an early meeting tomorrow." Win says. Fourth couldn't hear the words that come after that. Fourth sees a familiar silhouette behind Win. He tilts his head and looks past Win. "Hey, are you even listening to me?" Win asks as he furrows his brows.

Fourth taps Win's shoulder as he sees the familiar silhouette disappear into a store. "Yeah, yeah. I'll see you tomorrow. I got to go." Fourth says as he runs past Win. Fourth could hear Win shouting as the distance increases between them but Fourth didn't pay any attention to it.

Fourth stops in front of the store and looks at the sign. It's a shop that sells flowers. Fourth knows that the silhouette he sees couldn't betray him. Only he would be interested in things like this. Fourth looks at the sign and sees that it has closed.

Fourth ignores the sign and enters anyway. He sees and old lady behind the counter. She looks up at Fourth. "I'm so sorry, dear. The shop is already close. You can come back tomorrow morning if you really need anything." The old lady says.

"Who is that, grandma?" A familiar voice to Fourth echoes from the room in the back. Fourth knew that it was his voice, the voice that he has been searching three years for. When a figure stepped out from the back room, Fourth's eyes lit up. "Fourth." Gemini says in a shock.

"Do you know him?" The old lady turns to Gemini.

Fourth runs to Gemini. "Gemini!" Fourth yells as he jumps towards him. Gemini has seen this before and he anchors himself as he holds his ground after Fourth tackles him with an embrace. "I've been searching for you for so long." Fourth says into Gemini's shoulder, hugging the boy tightly.

"Oh my." The old lady comments, covering her grin with her hands.

Gemini smiles and put his arms around Fourth. It's been so long. He didn't expect Fourth to appear out of nowhere. The familiar scent of Fourth lingers in his nose as he places his face onto Fourth's shoulder. It was an embrace he would have never thought of getting again.

Fourth pulls away from the embrace, grabbing onto Gemini's shoulder. "You're working here now?" Fourth asks. There are so many questions he wants to ask Gemini but he thought this would be the most appropriate considering where they are.

Gemini nods. "She's the owner of this place. I'm only working here part-time to help her out."

Fourth turns to the old lady. "Grandma, is it alright if I take Gemini out now?"

The old lady could see the energy on Fourth's face and how happy he is. "Sure why not." She turns to Gemini. "Go ahead with your little friend here. Just help me take out the trash. I'm only left with the cash register."

"But I already did it. I threw them out just now remember?" Gemini replies.

"Oh? Then the both of you can go run along now. Don't spend your time in this little shop of mine to catch up." The old lady says, gesturing them to head out.

Fourth and Gemini did as what the old lady tell them. When the two boys are out of the store, Gemini scratches his head. He knows Fourth would probably scold him for what he did to him. Gemini looks at Fourth and smiles. "I guess I'll see you some other time then, Fourth. It was nice seeing you."

Just as Gemini walks away, Fourth chases after him and walks by his side. "Nope. I'm following you. I'm not letting you out of my sight anymore."

"What? I'm heading home now." Gemini answers.

"Even better. If I know where you live, you can't run or hide away from me anymore. I've been here for three years, searching for you. Now that I've found you, I'm not letting you disappear again. Not to mention that you still owe me for the things you did." Fourth replies.

Gemini feels guilty. Gemini remembers what he did. It was ruthless and cruel. "Don't you have work?" Gemini asks.

"I have enough to last forever. I am willing to quit my job and crash at your place just so I can be with you." Fourth confesses. "I've saved up more than enough. I was saving the money just so I can find you but luckily I don't need to."

Gemini let out a sigh. "I guess anything I say or do won't drive you away?"


"Fine. I'll let you crash at my place but just for tonight. Nothing more." Gemini says.

"Nope. I'm staying with you forever just like how we were back in college. You have no idea what i went through. That night, I've waited for your -"

Fourth got silenced by Gemini's hand on Fourth's mouth. "Alright let's not talk about it here. We'll talk about it when we get back to my place alright?" Fourth nods with Gemini's hand still on his mouth. Fourth licks the palm of Gemini's hand, causing Gemini to immediately pull his hand away. "Why did you do that?"

"That is just a small punishment. There's more to come."

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