Chapter 20.

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Gemini lets out a long sigh as he looks at the food on the table getting cold. He folds his arms on the table and rests his head onto it, hoping that what he did didn't cause Fourth any trouble. He has been waiting for a couple of hours for Fourth and has yet to take a shower since he reached home.

Gemini has lost the mood or appetite for anything. He's been waiting for Fourth for so long. He looks at the clock and it has finally struck midnight. He have no idea where Fourth could be and he looks at the food that has gone cold.

Gemini folds his arms on the table and rests his face in it. He didn't know if whatever he did was the right thing to do. He somehow figures that being captured by the authorities might be better than Fourth taking his troubles for him.

As much as Gemini wants to call Fourth, he knew that Fourth wouldn't answer, especially with what just happened. Gemini figures that he'll be interrogated by everyone and anyone who is at work with him with what happened in the alley. Gemini knew that was a good spot to handle everything considering the lack of surveillance.

When Gemini hears the sound of the door unlocking, he lifts his head up. Gemini's heart is pounding loudly, hoping that it would be Fourth and not the authorities who came to investigate his house. Gemini pushes himself up from the chair to see Fourth entering the house with a bruised cheek.

Gemini runs towards him, putting a hand on his face. "Who did this? I'll get him or her back for you." Gemini asks.

"No. Pack your things quickly. We're leaving." Fourth answers lethargically. Fourth walks towards the sofa and falls onto it. Gemini could see that he is extremely exhausted and tired but he didn't know what else to do to help him.

"What? Why?" Gemini asks.

"Just do it. I'll explain it on the way." Fourth answers with a loud sigh.

Gemini takes a step back and runs up the stairs. He quickly grabs every bag he sees and starts packing the essentials. He don't know where he'll be going but he knows when Fourth is serious. By one glace he knew that it was not the time to argue back but to listen to what he says.

Gemini grab all the clothes and tosses it into his bag until he notices a small box in the cabinet. He opens it up and finds tons of picture of himself. He realizes that these pictures were taken the time when he was in college and from the looks of it, it was Fourth who took the picture. A soft smile appears on Gemini's face as he tosses it into the bag.

Gemini knew that he would have the time to ask Fourth about it later. He quickly grabs the bag and run down the stairs to see Fourth sleeping on the sofa. He knew it was late, but he didn't expect Fourth to be this exhausted. He didn't know what he went go through when Gemini left.

Gemini combs his finger through Fourth's messy hair. "Wake up. You said it was time to leave." Gemini calls out to the boy.

Fourth groans as he opens his eyes. "Yeah. Have you packed your stuff?" Fourth asks.

"You mean our stuff?" Gemini asks, jokingly. "Yeah I did. Where are we going anyway?"

Fourth groans as he makes the slightest movement. Gemini instantly knew that he got interrogated violently with the mark on his face. "To another town. We're going to live there quietly." Fourth says as he groans, pushing himself up from the sofa.

"I've already cooked. How about you take a few bites before leaving." Gemini suggests. "I cooked your favourite but it's cold if you don't mind. I still don't understand why we're in a rush."

"No. It's okay. I'm no longer in my job. Let's just go before they arrive." Fourth answers.

Gemini grits his teeth and helps Fourth as they make their way out of their house. Fourth looks at the bag that Gemini has packed, it looks big, and he isn't sure if Gemini could carry it for long periods of time. "Can you carry that while I ride? I scared your shoulders will hurt after a while." Fourth asks.

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