Chapter 21.

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Fourth walks into the kitchen to see Gemini's back, cooking. He didn't expect that the boy would adapt to the new house fairly quickly. The smell of food lingers in the air as a smile creep up his face. Fourth walks over to Gemini and wraps his arms around his waist. "I can't wait to eat what you cook." Fourth says as he looks at the stove.

"Have you even showered?" Gemini asks.

"Nope." Fourth answers, pecking a kiss on Gemini's cheek.

"Gross." Gemini sticks out his tongue at Fourth.

Fourth notice the sudden change in Gemini's expression as it turns grim. "What's wrong?" Fourth asks, hugging Gemini a little tighter.

"We've been living here for more than a week and it's too peaceful. I thought you said that they would be coming after us?" Gemini asks. "I just can't let it go. Every single night I can't sleep with the anxiety that I have to deal with the consequences of my actions."

Fourth pecks kiss at the base of Gemini's neck. "Well, look at how far we've come. Back then you never felt any remorse or learn about the consequences about killing someone and yet here you are. Are you the same Gemini that I know?" Fourth tries to lift the mood on Gemini. "Even if they do come, we'll handle it. Just like how we always do."

"I still don't feel any remorse killing your boss. He messed with you and now he has to deal with me." Gemini pauses. "I meant he dealt with me already, but you know what I mean. Also, it's you that I'm worried about. They still think that you're the only one who is able to do that but it's actually me."

"Can you just relax." Fourth replies. "Look at your pan, the food is nearly burnt." Fourth releases his embrace and starts cooking from behind Gemini with his head over his shoulder. "How about we ride to the beach and take a long walk down the beach after our breakfast."

A smile creeps up Gemini's face. "I'd like that."

"Good. I'll go take a shower first." Fourth says as he hands the tools over to Gemini and pulls himself from the embrace. "If there's anything on your mind, just let me know. We're in this together, alright?"

Gemini turns to look behind him and nods. He feels slightly better knowing that Fourth is here with him. It didn't take long for them to finish their breakfast and head over to the beach. Gemini didn't know that such a town exist where it is only about ten minutes away from the shore.

Gemini takes off his shoes and puts it on Fourth's bike. "Pretty convenient for you to have a bike. I'd have to walk everywhere I want to go."

"You got your driving license, why not buy a car?" Fourth answers as he takes off his shoes.

"As if I have the money to buy a car. We don't even have jobs yet and you want me to buy a car?" Gemini answers.

"I can buy it for you." Fourth answers simply. "I have more than enough, I saved it for us before I met you again. It's one of the perks for working with the force. Also, according to the contract if they fire me on the spot without any notice, they have to pay me a hefty sum of money."

Gemini starts walking towards the beach, taking each step closer to the sand. "Wait, so you've been saving money for us? What if you never found me?" Gemini asks, surprised that Fourth has been saving up since he started working.

"Then I'll keep searching." Fourth answers before running towards the beach, feeling the sand beneath his feet. He turns around and looks at Gemini. "I made a promise to myself, I'd find you no matter what. Also, part of the reason why I join the force is so I can search up your name and find where you live if you decide to buy a house or an apartment, but you didn't buy any. Instead, you rented."

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