Chapter 13*

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"So these are all the people that you're targeting?" Fourth asks as they share the hospital bed together with Gemini showing the list of people in his phone. "I'm honestly more impressed that you managed to collect all of this information by yourself."

"I didn't. As I said, I hired someone to get these for me. I can't find most of them in this town. I'm not sure if they're cooped up at home or they moved to another city." Gemini explains. "It's hard juggling my work life with this. I hardly have the time for myself."

"But aren't you the one who wanted to do this?" Fourth asks.

"Yeah. As I said, the things I do is fulfilling. It's one of the best feeling in the world knowing that I have helped someone in the world. In terms of revenge of course. But then again, if these people didn't exist, the victim's life would be so much better." Gemini answers.

"I can probably help you with some of them." Fourth answers. Fourth points at one of the person on the screen. "This guy, he left town long ago. Last I heard from another district detective is that he hanged himself because he couldn't live with his own guilt. I'm not sure if it's true or not though."


"By the way, you said that there are corrupted people in my force. Care to show them to me? I'll have them dealt with once I'm back to work. I mean I can ask a friend I trust at work to help me with this but I'm not sure if you'd trust me with that." Fourth suggests.

Gemini scrolls through the phone, showing pictures of people that are familiar to Fourth. "Here's a few. I honestly don't care how you deal with them. I have a couple of connections in prison where I can make their life in there a living hell."

Fourth let out a short laugh. "Connections? I'm surprised that you even have some friends in there but I'll try. Send me their names and the evidence that come along with it. We can probably get rid of them by this week."

"Oh? You're really confident aren't you? Do you want a prize?" Gemini asks, turning to his side. It's comforting to him to have Fourth this close him. He wouldn't have thought the bed that they would share would be the one in the hospital.

"If there's a prize for helping you, then why didn't you give me any back then?" Fourth asks with a lifted brow.

"Then how about I give you a tease for the prize that you're about to get." Gemini says before lowering himself on the bed. Gemini pulls the blanket over him and Fourth's lower half. Gemini partially feels bad that he left Fourth's shaft unattended while he's giving pleasure to him. He figured this would be a good time to give the attention it needs.

Fourth lifts the blanket, looking at Gemini. "What are you doing?" He asks as he looks Gemini crawl between his legs. Fourth knew what Gemini was doing but he didn't expect to be in the hospital. Fourth knew that he said a little teaser but he didn't expect it to go this far.

"Giving you a teaser." Gemini says before grabbing hold onto the elastic band on Fourth's pants. Gemini yanks the pants down, revealing Fourth's flaccid shaft. Gemini kisses Fourth's flaccid shaft on the tip. "I got to wake him up gently." Gemini comments.

Fourth grins sinisterly. "Trust me. He'll wake up really soon."

Gemini grabs the blanket and pulls it down. "Then let me have some time with him alone." Fourth is cut from the beautiful sight of Gemini with his shaft. Gemini could see Fourth shaft growing and he decides to put the shaft in his mouth, sliding his tongue while it grows in his mouth.

Gemini could feel it growing bigger and bigger in his mouth. He has underestimate how big Fourth's shaft can grow that he can feel his jaw stretching to it. He pulls it out of his mouth, taking in Fourth's shaft with is eyes. He wraps his finger around Fourth's shaft and strokes it slowly. He could feel how warm Fourth's shaft is.

Fourth could feel Gemini's finger stroking his shaft slowly. "Gem, what if the nurse walks in?" Fourth asks as he feels the grip slowly tightening around his shaft.

"Let them. Or are you afraid that you'll be caught, embarrassed of me pleasuring you?" Gem replies from under the sheets. Fourth wants to see Gemini work his magic on his shaft but he knows that Gemini would just pull the sheets back down.

Fourth keeps silent before grinning. "I wouldn't be embarrassed unless you know how to please me."

"I take that as a challenge. Just be sure not to make too much noise." Gemini answers, putting Fourth's head into his mouth. Gemini swirls his tongue around the head while stroking onto Fourth's shaft.

Fourth could feel the tightness of Gemini's fingers and the way his tongue is licking every inch of his head is making him light headed. He imagines how it would be like to be inside of Gemini. Fourth couldn't help himself but he moves his hips out of instinct, pushing his shaft into Gemini's mouth.

Gemini didn't expect Fourth to move his hips, thrusting his shaft into Gemini's mouth. Before Fourth fully pushes himself into Gemini's mouth, Gemini let go of Fourth's shaft and grabs onto Fourth's waist, pushing it down onto the bed.

Fourth realizes that he did the wrong thing by agitating the other boy but he remains silent and keeps his hips where they are. Gemini holds onto Fourth's hips as he starts showing his skills on his mouth. Despite the size of Fourth's shaft, Gemini swallows the head of Fourth's shaft slowly.

Fourth throw's his head back. He didn't realize that the inside of Gemini's mouth would be this good. Gemini bobs his head onto Fourth's shaft, slowly pushing himself lower and lower, swallowing all of Fourth's shaft.

He wouldn't have thought that he would enjoy sucking onto Fourth's shaft. He could feel Fourth's hips shivering each time he swallows it down to the base, feeling it at the back of this throat. Gemini bobs his head a little faster, swirling his tongue around the shaft, tasting every inch skin of it.

Fourth puts his arm over his mouth. The amount of pleasure that Gemini is giving him is overwhelming. It is almost as good as the night they had. He could feel his wound opening up if he moves around too much. Fourth tries to keep still but it hard. Fourth bites onto his arm, letting out soft groans.

The sound of Fourth's groans fills Gemini's ear despite being under the sheet. Gemini stops bobbing his head and starts licking the sweet nectar leaking out from the slit of it. The taste was more than enough to get Gemini riled up. He couldn't help but let go of Fourth's hips and starts putting his hands into his own pants.

Gemini strokes his own shaft dragging his tongue on the length of Fourth's shaft. "Suck on it." Fourth begs.

Just as Gemini puts the head into his mouth, Fourth grabs onto Gemini's head and pushes himself into Gemini's mouth. Fourth rocks his hips, pushing it in and out of Gemini's mouth. He could feel his shaft down Gemini's throat as he plunges deeper and deeper. Fourth didn't know why Gemini didn't stop him but Fourth couldn't help himself. It doesn't even matter if the wound opens up again.

As much as Gemini didn't like on how Fourth is taking control, he wouldn't mind it because it's hard to stroke onto his own shaft while working on Fourth's shaft. He could feel how hard Fourth is thrusting into his mouth.

"I-I'm close, Gem." Fourth moans out.

Gemini could feel himself reaching the edge as well. He didn't know why but the way Fourth is thrusting his hips into his mouth turns him on even more. He could feel his lust brimming over. The soft moans from Fourth are not helping him to control his lust.

Fourth push one hard thrust into Gemini's throat, letting out a load groan. Gemini spills himself into his own pants as Fourth shoots his own liquid down Gemini's throat. Gemini could feel Fourth's throbbing shaft in his mouth as he releases all of his juices. Gemini swallows them as they start spilling.

Fourth drops to the bed as his shaft slides out of Gemini's mouth. Gemini could see how wet Fourth's shaft is from his mouth. He climbs out of the sheet and up onto Fourth's lips, claiming it for a short kiss. "You like that didn't you?" Gemini asks as he brings up his coated hands. "I was stroking myself too and look how much came out."

Fourth grabs onto Gemini's wrist and licks his the liquid on Gemini's hands. "It's only fair if I have a little taste as well." Gemini watches Fourth sucks onto his fingers and slides his tongue between them, cleaning his hand up.

Gemini leans down to Fourth's ear. "You're dangerous. I could get easily addicted to you if this continues."

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