New Found Hope (Remade)

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Loud noises wake me up ... Gunshots? I sprung up running to the window to take a peek. Chaos ensued. Men in black suit tried to keep the peace but to no avail. I ran to them dodging grabbing hands and thrown objects.
"What's happening?" I asked keeping an eye out. "Ma'am you are to remain in doors!" I looked around their were goofy looking bears painted in many places. "We need to retreat!" Screamed another voice.
"I-I'm from Hope's Peak let me come with you!" I was terrified. They took me on board this helicopter. I was questioned and told to fill in major gaps. There was no way I knew half the stuff they were asking. Apparently sixteen of my upperclassmen were being held in the school. At first for protection but then there was a take over. I joined future foundation through half of my training six of the students were rescued. "Makoto Naegi ... You were one of the students attending Hope's Peak" Detective Amari flips through his clipboard before looking at me "I have here another Hope's Peak attended slash newest member of the Future Foundation" I hold my hand out "Avi Hiraoka" I didn't wait along before the male took mine and introduced himself again. He told how he was forced to participate in a game that got ten of his classmates killed. It investigated the other six as well and all their stories were the same.
"Did you hear one of them is a serial killer and another one tampered with evidence" Detective Amari rubbed the grey stubble on his chin "Look kid I'm going to handle Genocide you get Byakuya" He wanted to see if the two of them happened to be working for despair. Still I was stiff as I entered the questioning room with the blonde. I handed him some coffee "I didn't know what you liked in it" I threw him some packets of sugar. "I drink it black" He says crudely taking a sip. "Byakuya, Do you ever feel ... I don't know depressed or outraged for no reason" He stops drinking placing the mug down and leaning a little into the table "Look, I don't need a psychiatrist" He sighs "All I need is to be out of this madness" He drinks his coffee "I was locked in a school, all my memories were wiped clean, and ten of the people in my class are dead" He was angry I would be too. "I get it" I said softly "Come on ... you need to rest" A month of them being examined and they joined the fourteenth division. I often came to visit them and they became more than the six survivors I pitied. The boy who reminded me of Hajime became Makoto the guy who gave the best advice. The girl who gave me a chill up the spine with her cold glare became Kyoko who had the stupidest laugh on those two occasions that she found something humorous. The girl who made me cringe in disgust was actually just Toko who doesn't shower often, but just happens to be my favorite author/serial killer. The tan girl who I was complete jealous of because of her perfect physique is Aoi who agreed to help me work on mine. The blonde jerk turned out to be Byakuya who was secretly a really sweet asshole. The guy whose hair I was confused of was actual just Yasuhiro who ... is pretty much confusing all around. I wasn't alone anymore.
I would wake up around four every morning to meet up with Aoi. On this particular morning Makoto joined us.
"Hey!" I shout jogging over "What's planned for today? A death sprint? Trip up the mountain?" I hear Makoto let out an uneasy giggle.
"I like the enthusiasm, but I was thinking some breakfast" She smiles grabbing my wrist "Everyone else is waiting in the cafeteria" I was pulled off to the main Future Foundation building. The hall of eating was complete empty except for the two faces of Kyoko and Byakuya. "Hello" Kyoko greeted with a faint smile.
"Where's the other two?" I asked taking the empty seat next to the blonde.
He just scooted away from me in discomfort and said "Like those two idiots would wake up this early" Kyoko interrupted our banter. With a gloved hand in the air "I wanted us all to meet here because I have some news" All eyes were on here "They have found the Renimates of Despair" I frowned my eyebrows "That's good right this is a celebration?" I shudder at her stiff glare. "We think that this Nagito you told us about is among them" Kyoko says placing a hand on my shoulder. I had told them about Nagito in a moment of weakness. I remembered Makoto holding my hand and calming me down from my sobbing. Aoi just rubbed my shoulder. Even Kyoko comforted me by giving my leg a few awkward taps. Byakuya did nothing not until everyone else had left my room. He looked me in the eye and told me "That he'd make me happy again he swears on his name" He held my face and gave me this tender look. A look that only I know and then he kissed me. I felt awkward at the thought. I hate to admitted but those three month in Byakuya's arms were amazing, but not enough to make me forget about Nagito. I still wanted Nagito and Byakuya knew it so we both agreed to end it. "We can't let anything happen to him" The blonde spoke nodding. I instantly agreed with him. So the four of us schemed to keep Nagito safe. I promised him I'd protect him and I'm going to keep it.
I was there when the group actually found him. I was reluctantly allowed to see him. I walked by four windows. They were the essence of insanity. Each one of their eyes were locked on me screaming taunts and profanity. Some were calm sitting in the corner. Nagito was staring at his bare feet. We had stripped and searched all of them replacing their clothing with patient gowns. "Nagito?" I cried. He looked up at me his eyes were like dark tornadoes. I didn't know who that was.
'I said I'd protect him. I failed...I failed I... ' My crying was stopped by knocking on the window. Komeda had two hands pressed against the glass staring at me. I was taken back by a feminine hand.
"Nagito? Why you could have stayed! We could have been happy!" I yelled at him tears pouring down my cheeks.

"Avi .... I don't deserve happiness. I don't deserve you. Don't cry please this is for the sake of your hope" He chuckled "It must seem like a lie right now ... I'm sorry but I really do love you" Komeda tried to smile warmly but it was just crazed.
I put my hands where his were on the glass "I found a way to help you don't worry... I'll fix you" Byakuya came in with his arms crossed "Is this really worth it?" He asked fixing his glasses. I nod "Yes .." Byakuya gets closer to me taking a gander around the room before taking my hands in his "You know you could just stay here with us ... with me" he whispers the last part.
"Byakuya" I grip his hands back "I promised him that I'd protect him" I pulled my hands away glancing at the all so eager Komeda on the other side of the glass "He's the love of my life and I will save him" Makoto and me worked with engineers to design characters.
"We need a teacher" Makoto once said over lunch "I don't want to leave a bunch of teenagers without supervision" I hummed "I also think we need a spy" I took a big bite of my sandwich. I made the spy and Makoto focus on his teacher. I scribbled at my napkin I ended up drawing a familiar face although I couldn't place it on anyone. My train of thought was derailed by Makoto asking "Why is there so much pink" I smiled brightly "Pink is a hopeful color"
Makoto laughed "Alright if you think so I agree"

He never disagrees with someone. In a way it was a good trait. I know I can always come to him and not be judged. I admired him like so many others. Makoto was normal just like me, but somehow way more specticular than the rest. The day came and i watched all the uncousions dispares being hooked up to machines. A classroom appeared some people started to wander in there confused. One of them was my Nagito. He sat calmly in the corner. I watched him noticing how calm he was. Watching how friendly him and Hajime had got. He was my Nagito not the crazed man hooked up to a machine. That was until everything went to shit and they were forced to kill each other. Nagito quickly changed back. Was he just always like that? I started to question my loyalty because I had never noticed the dark pools replacing his warm grey eyes. I watched as the person I barely knew mastermind and control everyone. I watched the stranger I love die. "There There" Kirigiri patted my shoulder with not a shred of concern on her face or in her voice. Her and Togami are so good at hiding their emotions. I was a mess at the end of the game. I couldn't go with them when they went into the Neo World to save them. All I could do was sit there and sob in a room full of strangers.  

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