The Truth

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The ocean felt even better than it looked. "Hajime I never knew you were such a nerd" Akane laughed.

"Okay Okay must you tell such embarrassing stories" Hajime motioned at me to be quiet. I was telling about the time when I caught Hajime performing It's Raining Men.

"Oh come on! I joined in and wasn't it fun" I smiled at my friend.

Hajime laughed "It was the only way to get you to clean"

We all laughed even Nagito who was on the shore.

"I can only imagine how funny that was" Sonia smiled brightly.

"Yeah Hajime that was kind gay" Fuyuhiko laughed.

Everyone was laughing and having a good time. Even though it was our first time meeting I felt as if I had made friends.

After a lot of joking and having fun the sun started to set. The girls and me decide to stay at the beach while the boys went to the restaurant.

"So how long have you and Nagito known eachother" Sonia asked.

"12 years but we've been dating for 4 years and we've recently started dating again" I answered her question almost instantly.

"Almost like me and the young... I mean Fuyuhiko" Peko said with a slight smile.

"I've been meaning to ask you what's the deal with him and you" Akane braveily asked.

"What's the deal with you and Nekomaru" Peko challenged.

"Toche" Akane mumbled.

We chatted for awhile before I realized that this was the perfect time ask "Sonia and Akane have you had any dreams that seem like memories, but are actually someone else's" I asked.

There was a momentary pause and then they both told me about weird dreams they had. But most of them weren't painful, so they didn't mind. I was more concerned for myself I would have to go threw Nagito's memory. After the subject lighted we all had a great time. We all departed to our rooms. Nagito was fast asleep under the covers. I looked at the white haired boy he looked so innocent. I got in comfortable clothes and laid next to him. I stared blankly at the wall nervous to go to sleep. 'All his memories can't be bad, right?' I thought to myself. No matter how many times I moved around I couldn't get comfortable. Even if I stopped moving my stomach was in a constant turn. Nagito who seemed to be tired of my tossing and turning, put his arms around me. It was almost like magic I was instantly set at ease. I resistively went to sleep.

Nagito was sitting on the sofa, but not on the one in his cabin. I looked around it was my old house. I sighed in relief nothing painful has gone on in my house. Nagito was sitting alone staring at the wall since I had no t.v.

"Here comes the lunch truck!" little me said pushing a toy truck.

Nagito looked at me with frowned eyebrows "What?"

"Oh! I- Well- I'll just go get the food" I said rubbing the back of my neck.

I came back with two cups of ramen. Nagito glance at me and then the floor "Avi?"

"Yes?" I answered placing his food in front of him.

"Where's your parents?" He asked with a hollow voice.

The younger me looked down at the ground "My mom's at... work and my dad is dead"

'Don't lie to him you know.... that your mom is at a bar getting drunk off her ass. You know she left you alone ever since dad left to be with a younger woman. Why lie?' I thought to myself recalling all the lonely nights.

"Oh, my dad's dead too" Nagito paused "So in my mom. That's why I'm glad you kept trying to be my friend. I hugged Nagito with a big smile. It was the first hug I had in awhile.

I woke up with a smile. Seeing how far we've come. Seeing how the boy who I could barely get to speak to me arms were wrapped around me. I got out off bed and shivered at the fast change of temperature. I threw on Nagito's jacket and headed out to eat breakfast. When I got there I was shocked when the first person to call out to me was Souda.

"Hey" I said walking over to him.

Souda looked around and then motioned for me to sit down "So... Did Sonia say anything about me last night?"

I looked at him with bored eyes "Souda.... That's kinda creepy"

Before Souda had a chance to object a deep voice said "Come"

I looked back to see Gundam standing next to Sonia. She seemed to be just as annoyed as I was. Did they hear all of that? As demanded I followed them both to a separate table.

"The nerve of some people" Sonia said still with an annoyed expression.

"Don't hold it against them. They don't own evil powers you and I do" Gundam said before standing up "I will see if Hajime is done cooking"

I laughed at the thought of Hajime wearing a small red apron that once belonged to TeruTeru.

"Hajime a good cook, so you don't need to worry" Sonia smiled softly. She seemed nice and easy to get along with.

"You" A voice shouted from the doorway "give me my jacket".

I smiled and then yelled "Ko!"

Nagito shook his head "Jacket now it was freezing in our cabin"

I choked at his words 'our'. I took the jacket off speechless. Nagito laughed seeing the blush creep up on my face. He bent down and pecked my lips and then asked "Where's Hajime?"

"In the kitchen" Sonia answered for me. As soon as Nagito left for the kitchen Sonia said "That is so adorable" She teased me for awhile before the boys came out with the food. Nagito was holding two plates which he sat down at a different table and then motion for me to join. Gundam brought a plate to Sonia and Hajime brought one Souda.

"Man! Everyone's bringing plates to a girl" Souda whined.

Hajime sat down and said "Fine then I'll eat it!"

Souda yelled "Man, give me that I'm starving"

Everyone was there, but Akane and Nekomaru. But then "FOOOOOOOOD" Akane and Nekomaru burst threw the door straight to the kitchen. Me and everyone else laughed.

Now everyone was eating.

"Sleep well?" Nagito asked.

I put my fork down and asked "Why do you ask?"

"Because you tossed and turned for awhile" Nagito asked before putting putting some food in his mouth.

"Oh! Sorry I had a hard time going to sleep" I smiled before shoving my mouth full. Sonia was right Hajime could cook. But how hard is it to cook eggs.

"I love you and I know you're hiding something from me" Nagito said looking deeply in my eyes with a challenging smile.

'We knows me too well. I'll have to tell him, but I don't want him to worry' I thought while eating and having a casual conversation with the person I love.


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