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I closed my eyes.

"Hmp.... pathic" A familiar girl with blonde hair with bows in them smiled "Do you really think your hope can overrun my despair"

I saw the white haired boy's eyes go crazy "Hope can do anything!"

She chuckled "Look at yourself.... your full of hope, but yet... your trash"

Nagito opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. He seemed defeated. I sad feeling sunk into my heart and I started to cry. I didn't understand why.... maybe it was the gray pits in the eyes I hold so dear. Or maybe the person I hate so much is right in front of me tempting my beloved.

"Oh... and what about that girl! Did you forget about what happens to everyone you care about" The girls said pulling a pair of glasses out of nowhere. Togami said she got bored of her personality so she changes it. I thought this was annoying. I hated it. I hated her.

"She'll die.... yeah you told me last time" Nagito whispered.

"Aren't you tired?" Junko said with a wicked smile "Hope will never overturn despair. Whoever has hope has despair. HAHAHA it's fucking hopeless"

Nagito stood there silent for awhile and then he finally said "You're right.... Hope can't defeat despair. I'm going to rest and dream of a world without hope or despair"

'That would be empty' I thought to myself wiping the tears from my face. It's true with no hope there's no despair. But it really dosen't mean anything. Because they both lead to each other.

My surroundings faded and I was suddenly in a school cafeteria.

"Nagito! Wait up you're so fast!" A younger me said running after the annoyed boy. He stopped and glanced back at me running out of air "Oh, hello"

I smiled and then asked "Can we eat lunch together?"

Nagito face didn't even move "I eat lunch in the nurse's office"

"So.... I could join you, if you want" I said dodging the trash can in my way. But me being me I didn't notice a stray banana pill that missed the trash can. And I slipped.

"OW!" I said trying to get to my feet. I glanced up at Nagito who had a pink face. I frowned my eyebrows he's about to laugh isn't he. I wasn't disappointed Nagito brusted out in laughter. Everyone stopped and stared completely shocked at what just happened. I remember that I did end up eating in the nurse office.... but not as a guest. I woke up to the noise of a shower.

'Nagito must be home' I thought sitting up in the bed. I stretched and moved to the couch. I glanced at my bag that was still unpacked. I grabbed a soda and checked its label twice.... just to be sure. 'I wish I had a machine to test it to make sure it's safe' I thought as I opened it and smelt the contents. I shyly took a sip.... it tasted safe. I close my eyes and enjoyed the fresh taste of Dr. Pepper.

"Hello, Dear" Someone said with a terrible fake accent.

I opened my eyes to see.... "TeruTeru!". The small man was wearing a towel around his waist. I jumped up and screamed "NO! My eyes.... Oh my god my eyes. Evil It's evil" I continued to hiss like a cat and scream.

"It's not that bad!" He said visual hurt.

I stopped and looked at him again and then yelled "NAGITO!"

He busted in the room screaming "Go! Go! Horny Nagito!"

That's when the phone (only given to me) rang.

"Hello" I calmly said despite Nagito yelling at TeruTeru to get out.

"Um.... Yeah this is Hajime. Tell Nagito that's my thing" He said his voice sounding truly pissed off I heard an echo of a female voice sing 'Go! Go! Mister Horned Hajime'. Which was not how it goes "That's Ibuki!" I said in an excited tone.

"Only one person left" I heard a sigh of relief. The plan had changed Hajime would get Ibuki. Then she'd get fake Togami. Then he'd get Mahiru and then she'd go get Hiyoko. It was so much better than what I had in mind. I laughed at how basic the idea was and recalling how I didn't come up with it. I glance back at the rowdy boys as Nagito pushed him out the Cabin.

"Come on can I at least get my clothes" TeruTeru yelled from outside.

Nagito looked at me and laugh "That was.... unlucky"

"Tell me about it" I said picking my souda up and drinking it. I looked at the ring. It was old and I really thought I'd break it. Nagito followed my eyes and looked at the ring too "Having second thoughts?" He asked this so confidently, but there was fear in his eyes.

"No... It's just in our situation we can't get officially married, you know?" I took a seat on the couch.

"Yeah, but we can say we're married. And we can hold a ceremony" He decided it was best to add a joke "You can wear a pink dress, because you..... certainly can't wear white"

I laughed while putting my soda down. Nagito walked over and placed his arm over me "Everything's going to work out I promise" he smiled.

'He really is my hope. I don't want lose him. But how can someone as hopeful as him love trash like me' This sudden thought popped in my head.

"It always does" I fakely smiled at my white haired Prince.

He kissed my forehead and then said "You'll see"

A soft smile appeared on my face. I looked like an idiot, but the smile wouldn't go away.

There was a knock on the door it was Gundham "We all are departing to the beach. Would you like to join us?"

Nagito and looked at me before answering "Sounds fun!"

We both quickly got dressed I was wearing a white one piece with red ribbons going up the sides. I smiled at the boy waiting for me, Nagito was wearing Black trunks with a white line on each side.

"You ready" He gave a quick grin.

I smiled back and then said "Yep! Hey you think you're going to go swimming?"

Nagito face went white... well whiter than it already is "I'd be putting everyone and myself in danger"

"Ha, sand castles it is" I awkwardly laughed before heading to the door.

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