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One morning I found a local school. I never went to school with other children, I was always educated at home. I couldn't resist listening. I settled under the open window when all the children finally got inside and cautiously peeked out trying to catch at least something. I had no one to play with. My father was strict when it came to certain things and my lessons were one of those things. They were more important than socializing. Everything I listened to, I had already heard so many times, studied and passed, but it was interesting for me to watch them. Nobody is sitting on their heads and stressing them out.

It was my fault for staying too long after class. I was safe those few days I was coming, but it's so nice to watch them play outside. My little boy recognized me and came to me first, and then some others discovered me. I feel special. They surrounded me like prey, which scared me for a moment, but there was only interest in them without any evil intent:

-It's a fairy. She always comes to me.

-They said that the fairies only come at night.-the girl noted:

-This one is strange and a bit bigger and doesn't talk, but grows flowers. She will come if you leave her some honey.

-She looks scared.

-You just have to be good to her. She is not used to people.-he explained to her and came to hug me just to show how harmless I am.

I created flowers in my hands and held it out to them which they quite liked. I just seem strange, but their doubts disappear quickly. They only see ivy and brambles and wildflowers where adults might see something poisonous. Girls like flowers more, but everyone is equally impressed that I can create plants in my hands:

-She doesn't like big people. We have to protect her.-the boy instructed them. It's not far from the truth, big people have started to disgust me over the years.

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