Letter carrier

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I couldn't always go to Tarlow or as often as it would have been desirable because Vadim doesn't like him, but Celestina suggested to me to write to him. I needed someone else's head to remind me that I know how to write. I get so caught up with things I lack that I often forget all that I have. I couldn't send letters the usual way for obvious reasons so the fairies helped me out. They would fly across the country for that bit of honey I bribe them with. The only person who knew about our correspondence was Zulia, who brought me ink and paper.

In the hottest part of the summer, I was finally able to visit Tarlow again after a long time. Pavel seemed more excited than he was when he saw me, but I noticed on Tarlow's face that he couldn't wait for me. Behind all that bitterness and anger, he is not such a bad person, but others have such a rare opportunity to get to know him. He had to greet me with a hug and almost strangle me because, like every other elf, he doesn't understand how much stronger he is compared to some other creatures. I'm so sorry that I can't speak to tell him everything I think and how much his attention means to me, but I'm glad I can't tell him the real truth behind me. He must never know the truth, no one can. Nymphs can be mute too.

Celestina landed on his shoulder and whispered something in his ear as if they had an agreement between them that I must not know about. What are they hiding from me? Are they going to kidnap me and take me to another country? Tarlow is suddenly no longer bothered by the fairies who normally bully him? Why is no one answering my questions:

-Well now I have to tell her when you say that to me in front of her.

-You could have done it a long time ago! So much of my effort, and you are rethinking everything over nonsense!-she complained and moved from his shoulder to mine:

-I just want you to stay with us. I can't give you more than what I have now, but... maybe that can be enough for us.

-Elves are forbidden to marry humans, but luckily, you are a nymph.-Celestina explained to me, although she knows very well how I became one and I'm glad that she didn't tell anyone the truth.

I stretched out my hands and pointed to my scars that did not leave me. At times it sometimes seems to me that they have become smaller and brighter, but they are still there, the old pain remained on what continued to live and grow further on:

-They don't bother me. It is not your fault that someone tried to kill you in such a way. You don't complain about every wrinkle that appeared before time either.-because I can't, but I probably wouldn't even if I could. What does my love have to do with his wrinkles?

He couldn't afford me a wedding like it would have been otherwise. He could only offer me to share the little space he has in the cabin. He couldn't offer me what he didn't have or could ever afford. I knew all that at that moment, but that's not what I was thinking about when I decided to love him.

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