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I was woken up by the smell of smoke and warmth unusual for this time of year, but also by a quiet painful voice, the one that only I could hear. The trees caught fire and I couldn't help but feel it. I panicked and started looking for the source, but no matter what I do, I don't know how to stop the fire and find out where it started. Everything alive that I saw was running away from being burned along with the trees that could not be moved. The painful wailing started to get louder and louder, I couldn't stop it, and with it everything started to hurt as if my skin was burning and I was boiling from the inside.

I got lost in all my panic, but then I heard crows screeching not far from me. They kept making noises as if they wanted me to follow them and get away from the fire. I ran and fought my way through the smoke and red flames raging around, but I couldn't find a way out.

The bright red light was followed by darkness, but this time I didn't die even though it felt like it. Everything ached and my lungs were rasping even though the air seemed cleaner now. My skin was completely burnt. I moved as much as I could and sat up on the ground full of ashes. Much of it burned out, almost everything. It became quiet in my head. But how am I alive if my forest is gone?

I wanted to stay put and die there. Too much pain for one person. I heard only one small voice humming. I got up and followed it until I finally found its source - a small young tree. The leaves were burnt on the edges, but it is still alive. My last living cell.

I dug a small tree out of the ground with my hands, being careful enough not to damage the thin roots, and took it with me. I have to save it. I went with it to the village and stole a pot from the garden, and then I returned to my home wandering aimlessly. Where should I go now? All is gone:

-Klarissa?-Celestina's voice came to me and I saw her fluttering not far from me:

-I saw smoke...-everyone saw it. It was hard to ignore such a thing.

I barely managed to spell "HELP ME" with my hand and I remained in place. I saw the pity in her eyes and how she got in her thoughts, but now she is the only one from whom I can expect something:

-Come with me.-she instructed me and flew further through the remains of my forest.

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