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The old general gave me a nasty look at first, but he got over it when he stopped bleeding and made sure he didn't have rabies or any other contagious disease. I think he even liked me. Not everyone has the courage to jump on him and attack him. No one in their right mind would attack even the average elf, let alone one of his size and status. And my lack of sound is also fascinating to them for some reason. Am I retarded? Am I completely mute? Am I an informer and now pretending not to understand them? Did I accidentally end up among them or was it my intention to infiltrate those working with the king himself? He will never know the right answer. Maybe I'm an illegitimate hybrid between a human and one of their people. Maybe I sold my voice to the fairies. So many possibilities.

I was relatively calm most of the time and tried to steal food from their table because they wouldn't let me sit with them, but once they opened the door I saw an opportunity I couldn't pass up. It was time for a walk and subtly breaking away from the captors who decided it was wise to let me go without a chain. The moment they looked away from me, I ran away and just like that I got lost across the property among the trees. Trees have always served me well.

I quickly found myself on the streets and tried to hide from view. Maybe I should have worked out the plan better. I tried to run through smaller streets and jump into someone's yard and hide in the first barn I came across. I've never stolen a horse, but maybe I can work out a deal with one. I am a beautiful nymph, animals love nymphs. Except the dogs. Our hatred comes from both sides. I was taking a lot of risks walking around, but I didn't expect to be discovered by a human. This is as if some higher power is taking revenge and mocking me at the same time:

-Hello.-a girl's voice interrupted me in my poorly planned escape.

A young girl in somewhat darker clothes caught me, but she seemed very calm and tame. I could immediately see that she was obviously well cared for and there were no visible signs of beating, and around her neck was a necklace similar to mine:

-I haven't seen you before. Did they just bring you?-she asked me and came closer to me, but I didn't answer her. I couldn't. I can only hope that she will read everything from my eyes:

-You ran away from them?-you think? It's a good thing that I can't say everything I think out loud:

-They won't do anything to you here, you don't have to be afraid. I've been with them for a couple of years.-another person who got lost while hunting fairies.

I had to run away. I heard them go by. So many questions, so much I want to know, and I don't have time for anything. My legs just ran and I went anywhere I could just to go as far as possible. On the way, I was almost run over by a horse and I disturbed several passers-by, but surprisingly no one threw rocks at me or stopped me. It must be normal for them to have their pets running around the streets like this before they are taught discipline.

I found an old apple tree that I managed to climb and hide in its crown. I probably won't be here for long, but at least I won't be hungry.

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