Fairy child

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I gave birth to Tarlow's child, a tiny blond boy. A person wouldn't think I was his mother if they saw him. Every time I want to sing to him or at least say something to calm him down whenever he cries or needs to be put to sleep, but every time I remember that I can't and all I can do is rock him. How will he ever know how much I love him when I can't repeat it to him every day? How can I tell him that I could never leave him? I would do for him everything that my father failed to do for me, and he should have done.

Celestina was the first to come to see the child because everything that is mine is also hers, and the king himself appeared after her. They had to come bless the little round creature and mark it as their own, and they brought me a few hazelnuts that I had to open for them because their hands are too delicate to do it themselves. They saw an opportunity and took advantage of my goodwill:

-See how puffy he is.-Celestina said enchanted by his appearance and squeezed his cheeks:

-Like a big fairy baby.

-Have you thought about selling him to us?-the blue boy asked me dead cold and got a very questioning and very negative look from me. I know fairies steal beautiful children and that's perfectly normal for them, so I guess he thinks asking my permission first was polite, but why does he think I'd just give up my son? Do I look like the kind of person who would do such a thing? I'm not that desperate nor did I give birth to a child I didn't want:

-What is it? I had to check. The children in our care are very happy and gifted, you know. I looked after every child I took into my care.

-He fed them with honey.

-I fed you honey, you didn't complain.

-He's doing his best. Your child will always be as sweet as honey and have a supply of hazelnuts on our land.-she told me, knowing that there was no help for her king's ways.

Tarlow appeared at the door and stepped inside and he wasn't too happy about the fairies examining his child as if they were going to take him as soon as he turned, but he wasn't going to chase them away, at least not right away. He approached us and took his son in his arms to check on him and greet him:

-They didn't do anything to you, did they? They didn't put any kind of curse on you?

-We don't hurt babies.-Celestina got offended:

-Only their rude parents.

-He has parents who can take care of him themselves. I don't need angry butterflies...-he addressed them sharply, but he received a smack from me before Celestina bit him and cursed his bad situation. Tarlow thinks he has nothing more to lose and have even less, but he thinks wrong:

-Fairies had to adopt you.

-Centaurs could have adopted her instead.

-Just don't touch my child.-so much fear in his voice.

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