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I was resting in the tall grass and guarding my tree while watching the fairies play, but I couldn't help but notice a blue fairy staring at me from the grass from a safe distance. It's really hard not to notice him, no matter how small he is, so I don't know how I didn't see him among the fairies when I first came to their meadow. I didn't like that he was squinting so suspiciously in my direction and after a while I decided to take some measures about it. I moved from my place on all fours and grabbed him with my hand before he realized what I was trying to do and brought him to me.

I received what were (at least I assume) curses, insults and threats in their language, but I ignored his anger and resistance. I gave him a few kisses and hugged him, and he started sulking when he finally realized that I wasn't going to let him go:

-Celestina!-he shouted in his sharp accent and called her to us.

Celestina laughed as soon as she saw what it was about, which her king did not like at all. He tried to squirm out of my hands again, and Celestina got her share of king's anger:

-Maybe it would be wise to let him go. After all, he is the one who taught us all the curses. He can curse worse and nastier than any of us. You will bring bad luck on yourself.-she said as if she didn't see me and didn't know how I got into this situation. My birth is bad luck.

I let go of the infuriated creature that cursed me and hit me on the head with his small hand, and then disappeared in the grass. If he didn't want to be hugged, he shouldn't have been born so irresistible:

-You know he kills and curses people for this kind of behavior?-obviously he is fond of me when none of that happened to me.

I got up and followed the little fairies into the forest. Some of them wanted us to go look for strawberries and maybe take some honey from the hive. Why should they bother when I can do it? One of the fairies pulled me along and led me a little deeper into the forest and even though I knew that Celestina had told me so many times not to go there into the deep shadows, I just wanted to grab some honey.

I climbed high into the tree and sat on a branch not far from the beehive. It seemed relatively calm, but there were still a few bees that were calmly buzzing back and forth as if sensing my intentions. But in the midst of my thinking and planning, I thought I heard a horse nearby and it's soft slow trotting, which surprised me a little for a moment. Don't horses usually come in herds? Why would one walk all alone? Is there a unicorn here?

I layed down on a branch and hid among the leaves and cautiously peeked down to see what was approaching us. But instead of everything I could have expected, a large brown centaur came under me. Well this is new. And a bit awkward. I had heard so little about them, but none of it was particularly good. How am I supposed to restrain a wild, violent horse that has three more brain cells than a normal horse? We had horses at home, my father adored them, and he especially always took care of his favorite one, which I wasn't always allowed to sit on either, but somehow I doubt that it's the same to ride a tame horse and a centaur.

I'd let him go, he's not my problem after all, at least he wasn't until he set his eyes on the little fairy he caught. The fairy got upset and started yelling at the centaur who tried to hold her in his arms, and I could not allow such behavior. I targeted him and measured how far he was from my branch and then threw myself at him trying to mount him. He dropped the terrified fairy and soon after managed to knock me off him and onto the ground.

I almost lost my head under the hooves and barely got away from him, and then I towered over the frightened fairies who collectively hid behind me as if there was no better and safer place. I tried to growl to chase him away, but only a faint sound came out of me. A picture without a tone.. Why does that frustrate me more than this centaur?

The centaur started nervously kicking the ground, I saw him thinking about where he could hit me, but luckily he hasn't managed to come to an agreement with himself. The king himself flew in as if he knew what was going on and threw dust in the centaur's face which disoriented him and chased us back towards the meadow.

I hid in my nest, hugged the pot and listened to the angry king teach a lesson to those fairies who left with me. I layed still for the rest of the day until a little blue creature came to me with a walnut in its hands. He held it out in front of me as if he wanted me to take it, but I couldn't understand what he wanted to achieve with it:

-Feel free to take it.-Celestina spoke up and landed on my shoulder:

-He offers you reconciliation.-I didn't know that we had an argument, but okay:

-The king does not ask for forgiveness, but he can sometimes offer reconciliation. He's grateful that you protected my sisters from the centaur, so he'll give you a chance to prove that maybe you're not as bad as he thinks.-she explained to me, and he started insisting that I take the walnut and it seemed to me that he was starting to lose patience.

I took the walnut and tapped him on the head with my finger, and he quickly picked himself up and ran away before getting another kiss or hug.

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